Thursday 13 November 2014

I am learning spanish during holiday... lol

  Holiday now is just around the corner. What you all planning to do in this holiday season? Play computer games? eating as much as you can? or even sleeping whole day? If do that all that means your life in this holiday are bored. In constrast, we should do some beneficial activities in this holiday... for example jogging, reading some books, gardening or etc. Actually it also undeniably that I also wasted my time in this holiday.
Therefore, i decided to do learn spanish in this holiday. (LoL, do you believe it?)

  Actually learning spanish is fun, do you know why? Because spanish is just like you learning english as it has same alphabet with english (except for ñ) but stilll it has different vowels than english. Besides, spanish grammar also same as english. However, there are still some parts of it (spanish) are different than english which a verb has many different spellings for each pronouns (like I, you, we, they, he, she, it...).

For example:

Spanish do also have two 'to be' and two 'for' which are distinct than other languages

For example:



   On top of that, according to this website: stated that spanish is the second common language that used by many people. It consist of around 6.15% of population in the world that were using this language. So, we can't neglect the importance of learing this language.

  Before I end this article, let me remind you that you also can learn other languages apart from spanish. Do more beneficial activities is better than you waste the time. thank you for reading this article!


I learned Spanish from this book... haha

Ser and Estar...
  I do also watch youtube channel like easy language to improve my Spanish (I also watch easy language: english as well).

Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!
Hello everyone, It's me (Wong Jia Zhe). I'm born in 1998 and lived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, yup these all are my details. The purpose of I creating this blog is simple, which is used to share my something very interesting to you all. Anyway, this blog also doesn't contain any pornographic materials as well as political issues. And lastly, I hope that you can enjoy my blog, Thank You!

 P/S: (I may no good in writing, so you can leave comments here for me to improve my blog... Thank you!!)