Wednesday 30 January 2019

Part time promoter job at petrol station (25/1/19 - 26/1/19)

Hello everybody! It's been a long time since I had updated my blog previously. Yup, I've managed to spare out my leisure to update my first blog account again.

My uni's semester break prior of the beginning of next semester is roughly a month long... Among that 4 weeks, 2 weeks were allocated for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration, while the other weeks were totally nothing to do. So, that 2 weeks before Chinese New Year, I spare out my time to do some leisure activities such as morning walk, workout and swimming. However, I was thinking about what I can do to earn some money and voilĂ  here it came...

I was counted as lucky to get the part time promoter job at Shell Petrol Station which is nearby to my home. Besides, there are also reasons of why I said I was so lucky to get offered for that part time job. This is because of that job only spanned for 2 days only (1 weekday and 1 weekend) as well as it gave me 3 hours break during work from 12pm till 3pm. Absolutely shiok for me ah...

That job's scope was also considered as easy as ABC since it just required us to give free samples of Deli2go pastries and promoting pastries to the customers and recording daily sales record from the report of respective petrol station. While working there, I have seen different types of customers' reaction towards free sample of pastries given. Most of the customers I met either they rejected to taste the free sample or tasting the free samples without buying any of the pastry. Anyway, that's doesn't matter to me lah, since there are still a significant number of customers straight away bought pastries from the petrol station store. Little did I know, there was a few regular customers whom they need not to taste free samples given by promoter and just straight away buying the products from the store. If there are lots of this type of customer in my future part time promoter job, then I can easily achieve my KPI with less effort, shiok ah... (P/S: That won't be happening lah...). Therefore, there are various types of customers I encountered in doing part time promoter job, some may be boon to your KPIs, while some may be bane to your KPIs.

Apart from I had perceived from the customer behaviour towards free sample and promotion, I had also be able to hone my communication skill indirectly. Promoting and selling a product may seemingly being so easy, however, in the reality it requires us to be well-prepared before we proceed to do so. This communication skill we can easily obtained through our own experience in working as well as through someone who is deemed to be well-experienced and successful in business and sales fields. I was so fortunate to meet the owner of that Petrol Station who already ran petrol business for more than 23 years in Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, Selangor. For me, he is a motivated, optimistic and approachable boss since I preceived he frequently buiding up close relationship with his employees and trying hard to motivate and teach them to achieve his goal. For an instance, even though I was just a temporary promoter there, he gave me some insights to promote the product and I ended up being able to help to grow the sales gradually. On top of that, he was also trying to persuade me to sell his daughter self-made anti-acne soaps to my university, UKM as a side income of mine. Nevertheless, currently I'm still considering whether I want to take this opportunity or not to do so.

After that, there was a salesperson person I met there. He is the salesperson who are selling car mirror washing liquid outside at the petrol station. What amazed me was he said to me that "Promoter job is so easy only, it is all depends on communication skill and attitude". Memang senang saja... Then, he told me that communication in sales and promoting a product must have these things, L.I.C.K which are (Loud, Intonation, Clear, Keep it short and simple). Many times we had failed to promote a product because we had spent so long time to explain the pros of the product. Instead, we should straight to the point of fulfilling what customer demanded for. Even for me, I wouldn't like to listen so long explain of the pros in the product, kinda boring... These few things are the things I learned from him lah, anyway...

Last but not least, I also met friendly and helpful petrol station staffs there too. There help me to bake and slice the sample of pastries so that I could focus on giving out samples to the customer. They were also there to spare some time to chit chat with me in order to reduce boredom in workplace. I'm glad that I found a good part time promoter job where I can improve my communication skill and get to recognize some well-experience of business and salesperson.

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. I hope you enjoy reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to my blogger account and google+ account as well. See you guys in the next time, bye...


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