Friday 25 March 2016

Recently the weather damn hot sia...

  Hello everybody! Haiz… Recently the climate here damn hot and dry… Even if you staying indoor also sweating like hell… The most sweltering time is at noon, imagine the scotching sun directly penetrates into your house… that’s feeling is damn uncomfortable… Basically this phenomenon happens once a year (in the beginning of the year, while in the year end it will be raining season)... So, why in the beginning of the year very hot?

drought in Kedah State... As you can see all the paddies are wilted...

  This is because of El Nino causing the climate in Malaysia very hot… These will continue until the month of June said by the Meteorological Department (about 3 months more we have to bear)… As you can see some areas in the northern Malaysia like Kedahand Perlis temperature already rose to 39 degree Celsius which is totally higher than usual temperature (25-33 degree Celsius)… Therefore, The Education Ministry already called the school to be closed for two days from 22th to 23thMarch in Kedah and Perlis state as the weather damn hot… Although now there is raining in some others areas like (KL, Selangor and Southern Malaysia) but still do little helps us to ease the sweltering weather only…
  Hence, before I end this short blog post, I advise you all drink more water to replenish your body fluid level and keep hydrated also with some isotonic drink. Eat more cooling fruits like coconuts and watermelons… Lastly, it is better for us to stay indoor when we can bear the sweltering weather…

'Stay hydrated with 100plus'

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

How I make use my very long holiday before the semester begins?

  Hello everybody! It was been a long time that I didn’t update my blogger because I was working as a retail assistant of the Popular Bookfair event at IOI Mall, Puchong. In fact, there were about less than 2 months till the Form 6 semester begins after I receiving my SPM results. So, henceforth, I chose to do part time job before the semester begins.

   Why did I opt to do that job? This is in light of fact that it can make use of my time rather than just doing nothing. For example, I could learn a variety of thing such as communication skills, working skills as well as good qualitites from my fellow colleagues by doing that job. Secondly, I could earn an extra pocket money by stepping on my own feet (without relying on others). Indeed, earning and saving money are being a herculean task for each and every one especially for the parents as the living costs nowadays rose as steep as a mountain. So, instead of burdening our parents more, why don’t we try to earn at least some extra pocket money by ourselves?

Fellow parttimers and the supervisors
Okay. Returning to the main topic again. I found this part time job before the Form 6 semester starts (P/S: This is my OFFICIAL part time job compared to the previous one which I was literally working in my mother’s working place…). I worked as a retail assistant in the Bookfair. It seems like a simple job for me before I handling this job but in the fact that it is really a quite challenging job after I doing this job…

Initially, I found this part time job on the job-searching website ( It successfully attracted me to apply for this job when it said RM100 per day and need not any working experiences. However, as a saying goes: “all that glitters is not gold”, I realized I was being fooled when one of my colleagues told me that actual paid for a day was only RM70. And some more we had to carry on lots of jobs there… Eventually, It didn’t being a serious matter for me as I managed to accept the truth immediately (because I wanted to gain more job experiences only…).

  My main duties in this 12 days book fair (From 9th of the March to 20th of the March) were ensuring the selling place was clean in all time, keep arranging the books according to their types and keeping eye on the surrounding (prevent someone stealing items from there). The most frustrated duty was to keep arranging the books in selling place (It also counted as a major duty for the retail assistant). Why did I say so? This is due to the reason that many customers choosing the books to buy until the selling table was totally horrified and everything there were messed up ( they literally like choosing the ‘groceries’ in a market or pasar). However, I got used to it already as I kept calming myself down and took a deep breathe when I saw this situation happened.

Loading the stuff for the event

The mascot (That's not me)

  I did also overnight for the 1st time in my life. They requested me to overnight during the interview session. So, what’s appears in your mind when you are thinking about the overnight job? Apparently, all we knew that overnight jobs were doing from night to the next day early morning or dawn.  Therefore, I just keep transporting boxes of goods and the tables at that night. Besides, I also in charged on decorating the book fair spot so that it would attract more customers. Fortunately, they did provide us supper and a large bottle of mineral water during the rest time. Due to it was so tiring and agony, we found a spot where hidden from the supervisors’ and manager’s visions to take a nap. After taking nap, we resumed our job until dawn… So, overall I didn’t sleep from the night till the next day morning… haha…

My supper

It was 2 a.m. in the shopping mall complex

  Well, I could describe my feelings at the time by using these words: tired, agony and happy. As I mentioned above, I felt tired and agony was due to the overnight job from the night (8th March) till the next day morning (9th March). Besides, the duties of retail assistant were also quite tough as you ought to serve the customers while keeping the selling table tidy. Nonetheless, on the other hand, I did also feel happy as I could learn lots of new things. For an instance, I learnt that communication skills are playing a dominant role in our daily lives. We may hard to get along and interact with others if we are lack of these skills. Secondly, I learnt that your attitude will let others to define your first impression. You have to possess a good altitude so that customers will leave a good impression on you then satisfied with your customer services.

  These are my experiences in doing that job. It totally teaches me so many things as I stated on the paragraph above. Now, I am tempted to improvise my communication skills so that my social circles will be widen. I hope myself next time will be fit in the society and respected them. Lastly, back to the conclusion, I can say this job has been broadening my view on how the real society looks like. There many types of people we will face in the future. So, let’s get prepared in order to face the challenges in the future!

  Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Thursday 3 March 2016

My Chap Goh Mei 2016* (Kinda late a bit...)

   Hello everybody! It is been a very long time that I do not posting anything on blogger. In order to keep this blogger active, I am already thinking about the topic to be posted on blogger.

   The topic that I want to post on Blogger is related to Chap Goh Mei (Lantern Festival). It is the last day for the Chinese New Year celebration (It is on the date of Chinese calendar 正月十五). It is also a day where many people finding a mate (later they maybe becoming a couple) by throwing as many mandarin oranges as they could.

This is an example of their Chap Goh Mei celebration...

   Apart from that, it is undeniably true that some people and organizations do also make use of this day to hold an event (must probably gathering or 新春大團拜). There are some of the instances that we can look such as some Chinese Association or the Political Parties spare some if their precious time in order to celebrate the last day of Chinese New Year. The aim of the events is also apparently to foster the rapport among the Chinese Communities.

   Speaking of the Chap Goh Mei, I did also take part in the event with my family members. I’ve attended the event on last Saturday (27th Feb 2016) although the real date for lantern festival 2016 is on 22th Feb 2016. The event is organized by the Cheng Ming Temple (誠明佛堂). Cheng Ming Temple is kinda like a Chinese Buddha Association (it has the branches in Puchong, Johor Bahru and Sri Petalling which just opened recently). Oh, I forgot to tell you all that this organization is originated from Taiwan but It expanded to Malaysia with the help of the locals.

   Well the purpose of this event, as usual, is to celebrate Chinese New Year festival among its members. Why it was late to celebrate Chinese New Year by them? This is because many of them were busy on working (no time to celebrate among the members) and some of the members (literally Taiwanese) were flying back to their hometown in order to reunion with their family members. Besides of that, it also aimed to let members to interact with each other more and having fun in the weekend.

   Basically, there were rather numerous activities for us to participate. After enjoying the lucrative as well as delicious dinner that prepared by each and every of the mothers, we assembled in the hall. We took a seat then the event began. There were sorts of entertaining and leisure programs in the event. For an example, there was a guessing Chinese New Year’s songs competition on going in the event. There were solely Children took part, while we the adults merely enjoyed listening the songs (P/S: because this was only for the kids, haha). Whoever guessing correctly the songs would be given an angpow (red packets). On top of that, there was some riddles for us to play as well. There were a variety of Mandarin Chinese riddles for us to play, ranging from easiest to the hardest. I didn’t even manage to play the riddles well, haha… Last but not least, we were given the motivational quote cards and taking a ‘big family’ photograph as the ending for this event.

The motivational card
   I could describe there were rousing and delightful. On that day, the spot was jostled with crowd of people as nearly 20 families attending the event. The children there were as happy as a lark when they were getting an angpow. Their naïve and liveliness made me to recall my childhood. It was totally fun if I could back to my childhood. The Chinese New Year song’s performing in the hall was like bringing us back to Chinese New Year atmosphere although Chinese New Year already ended few days ago on that day. We did also sing the Chinese New Year’s songs too…

   Back to the topic of  Chap Goh Mei event that I attended, this event is a good and healthy event. This is due to the reason that the event promotes a good relationship among each and every one in the ‘big family’ besides of celebrating belated Chinese New Year.  I will come back here to join this event on next year as it is organized annually. Lastly, I hope more and more people who lived in those areas as I mentioned above will join this 誠明佛堂!

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!