Friday 25 March 2016

Recently the weather damn hot sia...

  Hello everybody! Haiz… Recently the climate here damn hot and dry… Even if you staying indoor also sweating like hell… The most sweltering time is at noon, imagine the scotching sun directly penetrates into your house… that’s feeling is damn uncomfortable… Basically this phenomenon happens once a year (in the beginning of the year, while in the year end it will be raining season)... So, why in the beginning of the year very hot?

drought in Kedah State... As you can see all the paddies are wilted...

  This is because of El Nino causing the climate in Malaysia very hot… These will continue until the month of June said by the Meteorological Department (about 3 months more we have to bear)… As you can see some areas in the northern Malaysia like Kedahand Perlis temperature already rose to 39 degree Celsius which is totally higher than usual temperature (25-33 degree Celsius)… Therefore, The Education Ministry already called the school to be closed for two days from 22th to 23thMarch in Kedah and Perlis state as the weather damn hot… Although now there is raining in some others areas like (KL, Selangor and Southern Malaysia) but still do little helps us to ease the sweltering weather only…
  Hence, before I end this short blog post, I advise you all drink more water to replenish your body fluid level and keep hydrated also with some isotonic drink. Eat more cooling fruits like coconuts and watermelons… Lastly, it is better for us to stay indoor when we can bear the sweltering weather…

'Stay hydrated with 100plus'

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

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