Tuesday 13 December 2016

My Perak Trip 2016

Hello everybody! It’s been about 6 months I didn’t update my blogger. So, It is time to update it now… This December holiday, my family and I travelled to Perak State (A state in Northern Malaysia Peninsular). We travelled through several places in Perak such as Teluk Intan, Ipoh and Taiping. Without further ado, now I will talk about my experience in this memorable trip.

Day 1 (9/12/16) – Travel to Bidor and Teluk Intan.

We began our journey by 1:30pm 

We passed by a small town – Bidor, Perak. Bidor is a small town that located nearby the North South Expressway. Bidor is also about 86km away from Ipoh and 32km away from Teluk Intan

Bidor town
After a while, we arrived to Teluk Intan, Perak. Teluk Intan is the 3rd largest city in Perak state and It is about 118km away from Ipoh and 48km away from Sabak Bernam (A small town in Northern part of Selangor state).

View of Teluk Intan from Menara Condong Teluk Intan
 Menara Condong Teluk Intan (Leaning Tower) is one of the historical architecture in Malaysia.  The tower was built under the guidance of contractor Leong Choon Chong in 1885 and its purpose is to store water for the locals during droughts season and it also functions as a clock tower. This architecture makes the town has its own uniqueness. 

Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan

Inside leaning tower
 During British colonial times, Teluk Intan was also known as Anson Bay, where at the time it functioned as a major port that used to export tin ore and rubber. However,  in these days, it did lose its own function as a port and turned into a tourism spot.

Le me at the jetty of Teluk Intan
 Around 7.50pm we reached Ipoh and we checked in to the hotel (Hotel Boutique). It is located at Jalan Dato’ Onn Jaafar (In Ipoh town centre).

Boutique hotel nearby Pizza Hut

Day 2 – Ipoh one day trip

Around 9.30am (The time we finished having breakfast), we went to several  locations in Ipoh such as…
Concubine lanes
These concubine lanes have history that goes all the way back to 1892, when parts of Ipoh Old Town were rebuilt after a fire in 1892.  The Concubine Lanes were part of the rebuilt and were owned by mining tycoon Yao Tet Shin.  He gave away the houses on the lanes to his three wives, and hence the locals named the lanes accordingly – Wife Lane, Concubine Lane and First Concubine Lane.  There’s another version of story where common folklore has it that these were also the lanes where rich men hid their second wives.

Nearby Concubine Lane

Birch Memorial Clock Tower

A mural nearby the clock tower

Very nice
 Nam Tien Tong Temple – Next to Sam Poh Tong Temple

Lin Sen Tong Temple – Next to Nam Tien Tong Temple

Perak Cave Temple

 Having lunch at Onn Kee Restaurant 

Little India in Ipoh
 Image result for little india ipoh

Day 3 – Travel to Kuala Kangsar, Bagan Serai, Parit Buntar and Taiping

We again went to Concubine Lane, Ipoh…

We went to Kuala Kangsar by 12.30pm…
Kuala  Kangsar (BandarDiRaja), Perak is a royal town of Perak state which means the Sultan of perak officially resides over that town. It is about 43km away from Ipoh (capital city of Perak) and 35km away from Taiping.
Oldest Rubber Tree in Malaysia… It was first brought to there in 1877.

This song is about Kuala Kangsar (Bandar DiRaja), Perak.

We go to makan (eat) at Kuala Kangsar MP’s open house… (It’s totally free)

Later, we went to Bagan Serai and Parit Buntar. Both towns are nearby to the Penang and Kedah states.
Parit Buntar is also an administration centre of Kerian District in Perak state. Parit Buntar is 48km away from Taiping and about 40km away from Butterworth, Penang.
Bagan Serai Town
Parit Buntar Town
Then, in the late evening we were having dinner at Fu Man Lau Seafood Restaurant which is nearby Taiping and Kuala Sepetang. It is located right beside the Jalan Kuala Sepetang – Taiping Road. The restaurant’s best selling meal is the seafood porridge. The seafood porridge is mainly consists of prawns, fishes, calms and crabs (It is optional). Bruuupppp… It was delicious!
All sorts of seafoods
 Day 4: Half day in Taiping and Balik Rumah (go back home)
At 8:00am, we departed to Bukit Larut office sites in order to purchase tickets to take a ride (by using jeep) up to the Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill). Unfortunately, the tickets sold out earlier way before we reached there. Therefore we hanged around at Taiping Lake only.
The view of Taiping lake

The view of Taiping lake (near Jalan Pekeliling)

The view of Taiping lake

The view of Taiping lake

After having lunch, we were going back to KL (Kuala Lumpur) around 1:45pm. (The trip officially ended)

In the end, Perak is the state that worth to visit as it has lots of tourism places for you all to travel especially in Ipoh (the capital city of the state) as well as Taiping (Because of Taiping lake, Taiping Zoo and Bukit Larut).

Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

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