Friday 22 December 2017

Northern Malaysia Peninsular trip: Part I (Seberang Perai, Pulau Pinang)

Hello everybody! It is being a long time for my blogger to be inactivated. Let’s make this blogger revives for a period of time by posting this potato blog post!
December – Public school holiday month. I believe each and every of the families will plan for a trip either in the country or going to overseas. Let’s cut the crap. My family and I went to Penang state in the first day of the trip (15/12/2017). The trip began from 15/12/2017 to 19/12/2017.

Penang state is one of the densely populated state in Malaysia. Penang is bordered by Kedah state at north, east and south, while Perak state at south of Penang. Penang state being classfiled as two different areas such as the island (Pulau Pinang) and the mainland (Seberang Perai). This state is quite unique compared to other states in Malaysia as this state has highest chinese population compared to the rest. Certainly, there are many places to travel in this state.
North Seberang Perai being highlighted
Seberang Perai
Seberang Perai (Province Wellesley) – the mainland of penang, does have some interesting places for you to travel. It is being divided into 3 parts (North, Centre and South). Besides, it borders Kedah to the north and east, and Perak to the south. Its principal town is Butterworth, while its local authority, the Seberang Perai Municipal Council, is centred near Bukit Mertajam. As of 2010, Seberang Perai had a population of 815,767, making it the second most populous local government area in Malaysia. It was originally being part of Kedah state until the British acquired this land for agricultural and military purpose to safeguard their interest on Penang island (One of the Strait Settlement of British) since 1800. I focused on Nibong Tebal and Butterworth as my family and I only travel to these places in Seberang Perai.

Nibong Tebal
Nibong Tebal, the southest small town in Penang State which is nearby the Perak’s border town – Parit Buntar. Nibong Tebal is the capital town of the district of Seberang Perai Selatan (South Province Wellesley). This town has KTM train station also.

However, this town is forgotten by many people. This is because the town’s location is quite far (35km) from the Principal town of Seberang Perai – Butterworth. Therefore, the town is quite laid back compared to other parts of Penang.

I suggested to my father to travel to this place. This is because I am trying to find the so-called cheapest Laksa in the Penang (sell in RM2.50 – some legends said) in Nibong Tebal but I couldn’t find it. It’s okay lah… At least I can take some photos in the small town.
Dead town...

Road to see firefly...
Butterworth or sometimes being known as Bagan in Malay, is the principal town of the whole Seberang Perai. It is located in the district of Seberang Jaya Utara (North Province Wellesley). It is one of the busiest port in Malaysia. Furthermore, due to its proximity to the Penang island, so there has a ferry service to load vehicles and passanger to and from Penang island. Moreover, this town has also KTM train station that connects to Padang Besar, Perlis to the north and KL central. Therefore, Butterworth is the transportation hub of the Penang.

Butterworth ferry terminal (adopted from trip advisor
Right after travel in Nibong Tebal, my family and I stayed in my aunty house… (Heng ah! Got relative stayed in Penang!). Then in the night, she took us to go to the well-known Taoist temple in Penang (Tow Boo Kong Temple). The temple will jostled with people during some chinese tradition festivals…
Butterworth's oldest wet market...
Random street art in Butterworth
Tow Boo Kong Temple main entrance

On top of that, the Jalan Raja Uda in the town is also quite well known for its delicacies. A brief story lah, this road used to be a notorious gangland in Penang in the 70’s and 80’s… Fortunately, every things are changed, this road became the food street in Butterworth. A famous pasar – Apollo Market is also located there. The market is basically selling everything from the clothes to the food…

Apolla Market

Hokkien Mee

Bonus* - Bukit Mertajam
            Bukit Mertajam is the major town in the district of Seberang Perai Tengah (Centre Province Wellesley). This district held the highest population in the whole Seberang Perai (the population only slightly higher than Seberang Perai Utara). Even though my family and I didn’t travel there, but there still have their own famous delicacy – Yam Rice.
Yam Rice...

There is more people living in the Northern and Central of Seberang Perai as they are close to Penang island and have lots of job opportunity from the industrial and service sectors compared to Southern Seberang Perai. For me, personally, I like to live in Butterworth as it is one of the important transportation hub in Peninsular Malaysia and it has very delicious of Hokkien Prawn Mee and Penang Chay Kuey Teow.

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