Sunday 7 January 2018

Northern Malaysia Peninsular trip: Part IV – The finale (Taiping, Perak)

New year? The continuation of the journey I’m going to present to you righr now… Very sorry ah, take a long time to update my blog...

*This is almost similar to the previous blog post in 2016 ( as My family and I travelled back again to Taiping in Perak State.

On the 4th day (20/12/2017), we had finally begun our trip in the tranquil town of Perak State – Taiping.
Perak State map...
As I mentioned above, Taiping is a tranquil and peaceful town in Perak state. This is because the town is quite far from the hustling and bustling cities such as Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang… The town itself is located between two major cities in Peninsular Malaysia which are Penang and Ipoh. Therefore, many travelers and tourists will probably stop over here before they go to Penang, Ipoh or even back to Kuala Lumpur.
Taiping lake garden (1)
Taiping town is being famous for its Bukit Larut, Mangrove forest and fishing village at Kuala Sepetang (15 km from Taiping).

My family and I travelled to these places:

Bukit Larut
Bukit Larut (or being known as Maxwell Hill) is much like the Cameron Highlands style, except there are no vehicles allowed to go up the hill (because the route is very steep and only the jeeps of Municipal of Taiping are allow to go up hill). The hill is 1036m above the sea level. Maxwell Hill was named after William George Maxwell, who was the British Assistant Resident in Perak. Last but not least, bonus fact: Bukit Larut is also the wettest place in Malaysia where it has the highest volume of rainfall compared to other parts of Malaysia.
The peak of Bukit Larut
You also can opt to hike up to the top of hill, if you a lot of stamina to do so… The jeep or four wheel drive service is also available there for tourists to go up hill… The price is RM10 per person… 
Road to the peak...

Peak of Bukit Larut
Here’s the view on top of the hill…

Taiping lake garden
Taiping Lake Gardens (Taman Tasik Taiping in Malay) is the first public garden established during the British rule in Malaysia. The garden is located near Bukit Larut, and is equidistant to the town centre and the Taiping Zoo. Besides, here’s the brief history lah… The Taiping Lake Gardens was originally a mining ground before it was established as a public garden in 1880.
There are many locals there who jogs at the garden every morning, while the tourist come there to take some iconic pictures… (P/S: we just passed by here because later we go to Kuala Sepetang)
Kuala Sepetang
Kuala Sepetang (or being known as Port Weld) is the first port build in Malaysia. However, the role of the Port Weld was diminishing after the other ports such as Port Klang (Port Swetttenham) was build. Kuala Sepetang also has the Malaysia’s first railway that linked with Taiping town, but unfortunately it was being dismantled for a long time ago… The only thing left is the Port Weld railway signboard…

The view of the fishing village from the bridge that connecting two parts of the fishing village

Kuala Sepetang is now an ordinary chinese fishing village in Perak… Albeit of that, there are still many tourists (including us) flock into the village to visit certain places right here…
There are...
 It is also few hundreds meter away from the fishing village...

Charcoal Factory

Watching fireflies at night
*There are many fishermen make use this opportunity by taking tourist to watch fireflies at the mangrove forest at night to gain extra income.
Night view of the dock...
Last but not least, makan seafood there…
Porridge seafood @ Foo Man Lou (A restaurant at Jalan Kuala Sepetang - Taiping)...
 On the fifth day (19/12/2017) we had lunch in the Larut Matang food court before we go back to KL… What really I amazed was there were different races do business in a food court (really hard to find in KL).
Larut Matang Food Court...
The trip ended.

In conclusion, this Northern Peninsular trip was like an ecological trip, for me lah… This is because we had been went through lots of places from paddy fields to the mountain and to the fishing village…

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