Monday 9 April 2018

Crispy Chicken Rendang?

I love to eat chicken rendang... But wait... when do we have a crispy chicken rendang menu? I never heard it before...

The judges from Master Chef UK said the Malaysian contestant's chicken rendang is the biggest mistake because it didn't appear to be crispy.

Last few days, I have read some articles regarding the Master Chef Crispy Rendang issue... So, I make use this time to share this "news".

It was also my first time of hearing people said chicken rendang should be crispy... Seriously lah macha (bro in Tamil language), if you want to eat crispy rendang, why not go to KFC to buy their chicken and dip it into the rendang kuah (sauce in Malay language)??? It will end up to be not delicious one (look at the last video below). BTW, it is making no sense too, you mat salleh didn't understand the asian (especially South East Asia and East Asian one) but you criticize the food like you are an expert of the asian food cuisine...

 Here are a few of parodies of the CRISPY chicken rendang made by Malaysian Youtubers...

Dennis Lim Ming youtuber - Master Chef 2018 Chicken Rendang...

Campur ayam KFC ngan kuah Rendang...

However, I believe this "news" has made our Malaysian tradition cuisine to become viral in the most part of the world... Malaysia boleh! Chicken rendang is should not be crispy...

Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye! Have a nice day!

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