Tuesday 2 July 2019

Seremban One Day Trip 28th of June (Public Transport in Seremban and Big Bad Wolf Bookfair)

Hello everybody! I am back here again...

Well, my first year sem 2 semester break was officially started by 20th of June 2019 till end of August (you may click on this link to read my blog post regarding of the end of Semester 2). For me, it's too bored for me just to keep staying at the same location for the whole semester break even though I, myself have found a few part time jobs as well as doing workout and gardening at home. Therefore, I had made use of my time to have a short trip to the nearest town or city in Kuala Lumpur, which is Seremban.
Seremban downtown, Jalan Dato' Kelana
The reasons for me opting to travel to Seremban was because of recent Big Bad Wolf Bookfair at Mydin Seremban 2. I had never been going for any of Big Bad Wolf Bookfair before (but, I go for Popular Bookfest Malaysia every year), that's why I was taking this opportunity to make a visit there. Besides, personally I myself never really been to Seremban city before, almost all the time I am just passing by Seremban when I am going to any of the southern places in Peninsula Malaysia as well as Singapore. In fact, from my personal view, I think that Seremban city is just like a passing-by city when someone is going to further south (Melaka or Johor) or Singapore. So, this blog post is going to talk about brief facts, public transportation and Big Bad Wolf Bookfair in Seremban.

Seremban is the capital city of Negeri Sembilan state. It is once known as "Sungai Ujong" (End of the river) and had been flourished and thrived after discovery of tin ore (bijih timah) nearby there in the 19th century. Basically, all the development of modern history of that place, Seremban is almost similar to what was happening in other Federated Malay States of Britain in the late 19th century. The only difference compared to the other Malay States is the establishment of the state.
Historical map of Negeri Sembilan state
The establishment of Negeri Sembilan state in Malaysia has a distinct story to be told. It was once made up by 9 of the smaller districts which majorly of whom were Minangkabau descendants. However, Negeri Sembilan states in present has only 7 districts as some of them were been transferred and annexed into the neighbouring Malay states under British Colonisation. Minangkabau is an unique sub-ethnic of Malay which is from the West Sumatera. Unlike the other Malay ethnic, Minangkabau practices Adat Perpatih (Maternal Customary) in their life compared to the Malay in the other states where they adhered to Adat Temenggung (Paternal Customary) in their life. Moreover, their state leader (Yamtuan Besar) was chosen by each smaller districts democratically. Besides, Minangkabau architecture is somewhat distinct from the other Malay architectures. Their houses built with croissant alike rooftop which are also known as Rumah Gadang. Rumah Gadang can be seen everywhere in Negeri Sembilan. Here are the pictures of Minangkabau architecture in Seremban... So, this is why Negeri Sembilan state is somewhat unique in Peninsula Malaysia.
Minangkabau style....

Alright, I will talk about my trip in Seremban. My trip began by commuting LRT from Kinrara BK5 station to LRT Bandar Tasik Selatan, then change to commute KTM train to Seremban. It took more than an hour to reach the destination. Upon reaching there, I walked to Terminal 1 Seremban. Terminal 1 Seremban is the integrated bus station in Seremban which is enable travellers or city dwellers travel from one place to another place. It has express bus services which take us to the almost all the states in Peninsula Malaysia as well as Singapore. Then, it has the local public bus service, which is known as MyBus. MyBus takes us to travel within the city of Seremban and to the other townships in Negeri Sembilan such as Port Dickson, Nilai and Jelebu. In fact, Terminal 1 Seremban is within walking distance from KTM Seremban train station. Once I arrived there, I immediately find for a bus to commute to Seremban 2. After searching for few minutes, finally I've found a bus to Mydin Mall in Seremban 2.
KTM station Bandar Tasik Selatan.
Terminal 1 Seremban bus station

KTM station of Seremban
Speaking of Big Bad Wolf Bookfair, I thought it will be so grand just like what had in Popular Bookfest Malaysia at KLCC. However, after arriving there, the exhibition was not that big and it was held at the shopping mall carpark lots. I went there just to read a few books and then go back to Seremban city again. The difference of Big Bad Wolf books exhibition compared to Popular Bookfest Malaysia are that Bookfest Malaysia charges entrance fee and it is annually done under air-conditioned big hall. Oh ya, Big Bad Wolf Bookfair does have their largest bookfair annually at The Mines but the crowd is still lesser than in Bookfest Malaysia one.

I took grab car service from Seremban 2 to Seremban downtown. Seremban city downtown is quite big and has some tourist destinations such as Seremban Lake Garden, Centipede Chinese Temple and Pasar Besar Seremban. Unfortunately, I only managed to visit Pasar Besar Seremban which was the nearest place I can go by walking in Seremban downtown due to time was constraining.
Here are some photos of Seremban town centre...

The famous Pasar Besar Seremban
Alright, that's all of my one day trip in Seremban. Seremban's public transportion efficiency is still not yet on par with in Klang Valley one... I hope one day, Seremban's public transportation will be improve in terms of efficiency and facilities so that it will be an ease for the tourist to travel in Seremban as well as in Negeri Sembilan. That's all about my blog post. Hope you enjoy reading my blog post. Thank you, see you guys in the next time...

Monday 1 July 2019

Throwback of my last year longest part time job...

Hello everybody...

This blog post is going to a brief summary of my last year longest part time job... (Dec 2017 till Mid of March 2018)

I was so fortunate to have a chance to get to experience office job by December 2017. That was during the period when I had just finished my STPM examination and waiting for results to be announce on early March 2018. After a week of getting my STPM result, then I quitted the job.

Basically that job is known as personal assistant aka general clerk for two of the Unit Sales of Manager of Insurance Company in Maluri, Kuala Lumpur. I was kinda shocked when I was told to work for two bosses (my initial thought was just serving for a boss). My job scopes there, for me, were moderately challenging back then. They assigned me to do quotation on the customer demand basis, key in data of policy summaries as well as calling to medical centre to urge for medical report of customers. Some of the Ad-hoc tasks, they did also ask me to do. For example, one of them threw to me an abundance unsorted documents for me to sort out...

Initially, I got my momentum to work until a certain time, perhaps it was a month later, I almost lost all my momentum to work. When at that time I had lost of my momentum to work, I began to simply doing work. This made them so frustrated, I even got warning and salary deduction twice (ouch*). The second time of salary deduction really got me triggered and I immediately quitted doing that job. After more than a year, I am looking back of it, then I felt like I was wrong, I shall keep myself motivated when working so I can get work done easily.

In conclusion, we should always keep ourselves in positive so that we will be able to get through life easily. Positivity is just like a magnet, when we have it, then it will attracts more positivity into our life. Gradually, this will greatly reduce ours tendency towards negative thinking, complaining and whining all the time. Complaining and whining won't help in solving the problems. The best way to be positive in life is to approach more positive thinking person, exercising regularly and read some positive vibes articles.