Monday 1 July 2019

Throwback of my last year longest part time job...

Hello everybody...

This blog post is going to a brief summary of my last year longest part time job... (Dec 2017 till Mid of March 2018)

I was so fortunate to have a chance to get to experience office job by December 2017. That was during the period when I had just finished my STPM examination and waiting for results to be announce on early March 2018. After a week of getting my STPM result, then I quitted the job.

Basically that job is known as personal assistant aka general clerk for two of the Unit Sales of Manager of Insurance Company in Maluri, Kuala Lumpur. I was kinda shocked when I was told to work for two bosses (my initial thought was just serving for a boss). My job scopes there, for me, were moderately challenging back then. They assigned me to do quotation on the customer demand basis, key in data of policy summaries as well as calling to medical centre to urge for medical report of customers. Some of the Ad-hoc tasks, they did also ask me to do. For example, one of them threw to me an abundance unsorted documents for me to sort out...

Initially, I got my momentum to work until a certain time, perhaps it was a month later, I almost lost all my momentum to work. When at that time I had lost of my momentum to work, I began to simply doing work. This made them so frustrated, I even got warning and salary deduction twice (ouch*). The second time of salary deduction really got me triggered and I immediately quitted doing that job. After more than a year, I am looking back of it, then I felt like I was wrong, I shall keep myself motivated when working so I can get work done easily.

In conclusion, we should always keep ourselves in positive so that we will be able to get through life easily. Positivity is just like a magnet, when we have it, then it will attracts more positivity into our life. Gradually, this will greatly reduce ours tendency towards negative thinking, complaining and whining all the time. Complaining and whining won't help in solving the problems. The best way to be positive in life is to approach more positive thinking person, exercising regularly and read some positive vibes articles. 

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