Monday 5 August 2019

Promoter Job Experience at Sunway Velocity (5/7/19 - 7/7/19)

Hello everybody! Have you all ever heard of Heineken 0.0 Zero percent alcohol beer* before? If you have not heard before, then this blogpost will have a brief expose regarding this newly launched non-halal product in the market to you guys...
Basically, I've got a part time job as a promoter of Heineken Zero at Sunway Velocity Mall, Kuala Lumpur from 5th of July till 7th of July which was a month ago. Prior of going to work, there was a product training session done by the event company and every new part timers of that company were required to attend the training session. Product training session is in fact a norm of all event or promoter company as it is done to ensure all the promoters convey the correct and accurate selling points of that particular product to the customers. Therefore, the next paragraph I will talk more about selling points of Heineken Zero...

Heineken Zero is an almost zero percent alcohol content drink. Its targeted market are those who could not bear with significant alcohol percentage drinks. "Now You Can" is the prominent and catchy slogan of Heineken Zero in a bid of spreading the message that it is suitable to be drank at almost every occasion in our daily life, such as drinking before driving, drinking after working out, drinking during lunch and meeting. However, it is still regarded and labelled as non-halal beverage just like ordinary Heineken other products. This is because it still remained more or less 0.05%* of alcohol content after undergoing alcohol extraction process. Besides, it is still having the same great taste as usual Heineken beers as it has undergone the fermentation process along with regular Heineken beers prior of undergoing alcohol extraction process.

Me as a promoter

Although I had explained these features and selling points of that product, however, many of the customer still refrained from buying and even trying Heineken Zero. Some of them gave me a direct reason of not buying Heineken Zero is that these zero percentage alcohol beer is tasteless and making them hardly to be drunk. Yeap, that's right... Most of the customers purchase alcohol there were to get the feeling of "getting drunk", instead of having consciousness after a few drinks. The following reason I got them is that this newly launch Heineken Zero is being too expensive for them to purchase. Indeed, Heineken Zero there was selling at higher price compared to regular Heineken beer. So, there was a rhetoric that "would you buy an expensive beer but taste more like Barley with water and very little alcohol percentage?", definitely not, right? These drawbacks didn't deter my spirit from pushing the sales of Heineken Zero. In fact, actually there's quite a number of people bought that Heineken Zero after I persuading them to give it a try. Besides, I should thank to my supervisor and the other promoter friends there too for helping me to push the sales a little.

The other promoters and supervisor there were nice. They had helped me to draw some customers towards my booth to try Heineken Zero. Then, my supervisor was also sparing out the time to guide me on how to set up the booth and where to keep the booth after the working hours. In fact, he told me that when he was a promoter, the supervisor usually rarely shown up to help and guide you to set up booth and draw customer towards the booth. Then, we had a chance to have chit chat when there was no crowd in the mall yet. Apart from that, the other promoters there were willing to exchange their sampling product with mine in order to get to taste Heineken Zero product. Therefore, It was quite enjoying and fun to have part time job there for a few days, indeed...

What inside of the booth. A beer chiller container with a tap to draw excess water out from there.

Ice making machine...
Alright, that's all of my today's blog post. I could say that promoter job is an easy job as long as you practice communicate and dare to speak with customers. Previously, I had a thought that promoter job is very hard as it requires us to speak all details thoroughly to the customers. However, it turns out to be in the opposite way; when a promoter stumble upon a few of customers, all you need to tell them is just some key selling points of that particular product and asserting that now there have a free tester to try and some promotion offers to them. Ya, in fact, it is better to use KISS aka "Keep It Short and Simple" approach towards the customers as we may not know they are interested to it or not.Lastly, it was also an opportunity for me broaden my social circle as I met some experienced promoter friends there and a nice supervisor.

See you all in the next blogpost, bye...

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