Saturday 25 July 2020

Visitation of KL Tower Sky Deck (12th of July 2020)

Hello everybody, I heard of this month KL tower had made an offer for us to visit its observation deck for free. It is valid from the first day of the month of Julytill end of July (1/7/20 – 31/7/20). Even though it is almost to the end of this month already, but still I did like to share this for you guys, if you guys still wish to make use this chance to go up there.

appearance of KL Tower at night
In fact, I personally had gone up there with my family previously and in this month too. However, we directly went up the highest floor, which also known as sky deck.
Clearer night view of KLCC

View from the top of sky deck
Please do note that Sky Deck of KL tower for this month isn’t free to public but instead it is made to be discounted price for the public. We had gone up there for RM36.00 per person. Usually, the price of the ticket is more expensive than for this month (July 2020).

In fact, I had visited to KL tower for few times in the recent years. My family and I had gone up to the observation deck for the price of RM32 per person (adult, adolescent), RM16 per person (children below aged of 12) in 2018.

Queueing up for free admission of KL Tower observation deck since the early morning...
Then 2 years apart, I actually planned to go up to KL Tower with my friends by 6th of July 2020, unfortunately didn’t go up since the free tickets were grabbed finish and yet the sky deck was not open to public when it rained. Meanwhile, I felt so lucky to have a second chance to revisit back to the site on 12th of July 2020, as my family planned to go up there. We queue up there in the early morning around 8am and we got our free ticket by around 9:50am. As you can look at the picture below it depicted that time there were many people queueing up just to get a free ticket of KL Tower observation deck. I believe this was a strategy of the tourist sites to stimulate its business by giving limited free tickets or even discounted price to the local tourists.
Panoramic view of KL city

Although, we got free ticket to go up to KL Tower, but instead it was only to observation deck. I personally felt that there were many people didn’t realize of this issue when queueing up in line for free tickets. Albeit of that, we finally agreed to “upgrade” our ticket instead to the highest floor of KL Tower, sky deck. The price was quite costly actually, however, it was discounted from the more exorbitant usual price (RM70-RM100-ish).

KLCC view...
Well, obviously, on top of the sky deck you can get to view the breath-taking scenery of the metropolitan of Kuala Lumpur. At that time, the people there including me were only taking the photos of the Kuala Lumpur city by focusing on KLCC Twin Towers. Personally, I think the scenery at night is nicer, since there are many skyscrapers switching on the lights and making me to have delusion of myself in a greater city, made it be like in New York or Shanghai (Saja2 imagination, purely imagination)…

The duration for us to stay up there is technically 45 minutes. However, if you wish to stay there longer just handle back the card given by the staffs there and resume staying up there to enjoy the view of the KL city.

Meanwhile, there is a transparent glass-made sky box on the sky deck too. It is the best place to take a shoot, it makes you to feel like afloat on the sky and 300 meters up from the city. However, the time was limited for photo-taking in the sky box, the staffs there only allow us to be in the sky box for 1 minute 30 seconds. Therefore, many people there just quickly take multiple shots there as much as they could…

Sky box of KL Tower
Lastly, I personally felt this was totally worth it for me and my family to go up to the sky deck once in a lifetime. Previously, we just only went up to observation twice (one was when I still a child, another one was in recent years – 2018). This was the first time to have a try on top of sky deck of KL Tower. Maybe in the very long future will only revisit that site since it maybe costly after the promotional date.

For those who wished to visit the nearby places to KL Tower, there are plenty of other places nearby to visit. For example, Bukit Nanas forest reserve, which is also known as the jungle enclave in the city and upside-down house nearby.

Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve
That’s all for today’s blog and thanks for reading this blog post… Apart from reading this blog post, you may do also view my recent vlog if you want to watch it. It is my second attempt of making and editing a vlog and my first time to include myself in the video screen.

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