Sunday 27 December 2015

3 days 2 night group trip to Orang Asli Farm, Semenyih

   Hello everybody! When there is a Christmas holiday, how will you celebrate it? Shopping? Family  gathering? Or doing nothing? For me, I joined the Chen Ming temple’s group trip (somehow it is also one of the Chinese Buddhist Association) with my family members (excluding my mother and my elder sister) to Orang Asli Farm.
   Orang Asli Farm is a resort (most probably lah…) that located in Semenyih, Selangor (P/S: not in semenyih town but it’s very deep inside until forest edge.) The distance to there is about 46-50km from Puchong or other parts of Kuala Lumpur that nearby Puchong. It took us about an hour to reach there (not including the time that we struggle to go inside to the forest edge, haha.) After reaching there, I could tell that you all can see all the rooms are made by woods instead of bricks and cements. On top of that, there is totally no telecommunication signal (if have, there is only ‘one bar’ or ‘two bars’ of signal bars on your phone screen.). There are also lots of facilities such as ‘natural swimming pool' (come from the upstream rivers)’, Karaoke, Mahjong sites and barbecue. Speaking of the room, the room was cozy for us to sleep although the room size was small. After having dinner, we played a series of games such as ‘acting and guessing the chinese idioms’, ‘guessing songs’ names’, as well as singing contest before we going to bed.
   On the next day, our group woke up morning to get prepared for jungle trekking activity. Well, basically we brought all the foods (fried rice, potatoes, boiled eggs…) as well. This is due to this jungle trekking took us about 7 hours to reach waterfall (including going there and going back.). About 12.30p.m. we arrived the waterfall, it was very deep inside in the forest. So, we had mouth-watering lunch there since we could also enjoy the waterfall’s scene. Following that, we went back to our resort as fast as we could because everybody wants go back there and rest. After going back to the resort, the adults had a tea time and slept for a while until late evening. While the kids were hyperactive (and energetic  as hell…) because they jumped into the pool although the weather was very hot.
   On the third day, we packed up our luggage and prepared to check-out from the resort after we having our breakfast. Later, we went to the Burmese temple that nearby the resort. After that, we splited into 2 groups (That one is going back home directly because they are vegetarian, another one is heading to kajang and enjoying satay. My family and I also going to Kajang as well.) We arrived to Kajang town to have our lunch (Sate itu sangat sedap……) before we going back home.
   In this journey, They taught me lots of life thoughts. For example, I still remembered vividly that “people who are team work together have ‘boarder’ path than the one who is lone ranger”. Besides, “hard work make you able to ‘climb up the hill’, laziness make you ‘sloping down from the hill’ and never make you to be successful”... (that’s why we going to jungle trekking to understand this thought.) Furthermore,  this trip also made us to communicate with each other naturally without keep scrolling on the phone screens.

Let's view some photos:
Gathering at Chen Ming temple

Finally My family and I arrived there

The 1st floor is the rooms while the ground floor is the main lobby (very small leh...)

My family's room (very compact...)

1st floor is the rooms while the ground floor is the karaoke room

The gate...

Let's play mahjong in the lobby, shall we?
We were having our dinner there

We played some games...
The natural swimming pool (The water come from the upstream rivers.)
Jungle trekking...

A huge millipede

I was bitten by leach (my first time got bitten...)

We finally reached the waterfall that deep inside the forest...

Burmese temple (nearby the resort...)

Enjoying satay at Medan Sate, Kajang.
    Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

*The Orang Asli Farm address:  Lot.1356 Stor KG Orang Asli Ulu Semenyih, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor.
*For more details, you can click on these website ( , but these page are in Mandarin Chinese.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Winter Solstice (Dongzhi) Festival

   Hello everybody! Today is the Winter Solstice (Dongzhi). Every chinese community (mostly) in East Asia, South East Asia as well as other parts of the world will definitely celebrate this festival. So, you all may wondering what are the purposes for us to celebrate this festival? (Some people do not even know about it.)

   Okay, let's talk briefly about this festival (Dongzhi). The Dongzhi Festival (in chinese: 冬至)or Winter Solstice Festival is one of the most important festival celebrated by the chinese and other East Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese...) during the Dongzhi solar term on or around December 22 (according to East Asian especially Chinese Calendar.) The origins of this festival can be traced back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony in the cosmos. After the celebration, there will be days with longer daylight hours and therfore an increase in positive energy flowing in. The philosophical significance of this is symbolized by the I Ching hexagram fù (復, "returning".)

   Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get-together (Especially in southern China and chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan (湯圓)or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion. Tangyuan are made of glutinous rice flour and sometimes brightly coloured. The flour balls may be plain or stuffed. They are cooked in a sweet soup or ginger soup (both have also pandan leaf as a ingredient.) On the other hand, the people in northern china are totally different as the people there typically eat dumplings on Dongzhi. It is said to have originated from Zhang Zhong Jing in the Han Dynasty. Whereas, Taiwanese do also celebrate this festival with their unique style... (more details go and check in

   Following that, I do also celebrate this festival. Let's check out the photos:
Preparing the Tangyuans

My mother was making ginger soup with pandan leaf

Its taste damn delicious leh...
     In the end, I can say this festival is amazing (amazing for me because I can eat these Tangyuans, Lol.). You will be 'elder one more year' after eating these tangyuans (some old people saying that.). Besides, I hope my family will get along with each other and live in peaceful and harmony situations after this festival.

(This video teaches you how to make tang yuan...)

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

Saturday 19 December 2015

I got my first part time job...

   Hello everybody! What will you all do in your holiday? Playing phone games, computer games? Sleeping whole day? or even eating whole day? (lol, later become obese liao...) Well, did you know, if you all spending whole of your holiday on these activities, you are totally wasting you holiday liao lorh... Therefore, instead of wasting my holiday on not beneficial activities, I already found a part time job in factory.

   On 15/12/15 (Tuesday), I found a job in the ceramic tiles and bricks producing company (Karci Jaya Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.) that located in Salak South Garden, Kuala Lumpur. I worked for that company from 15th December till 19th December (Saturday), which also equivalent to 5 days. Fortunately, I no need to bother much on any problems regarding to transportation and foods since my mother working there as well. She bought for lots of meals in breakfast and lunch time. Ahhh... quite satisfy man! Besides, I am thankful that company's boss, Mr. Gan Kim Hock willing to give this oppportunity for me to learn something new.

   Umm... On top of that, basically I gained numerous of experiences from there. Thanks a lot to Mr. Rajesh (a very diligent head worker of that factory) teaching me on how to do a ceramic tiles and bricks properly. I could say that he was also a nice, tolerable and approachable person. This is on account of that he willing to spare his working hours to rectify my mistakes (sometimes I might spoil the qualities of the ceramic tiles and bricks). He could also guiding me on mixing cement powder, stone powder, fine sand as well as water together properly. The mixing of these components are quite significant to determine the qualities of the tiles and bricks. Furthermore, he willing to invite over him room (actually it is a small hut behind the factory.) to enjoy chapati (an indian food) with him, He also taught me hindi language (hahaha oops i forgot how to speak in hindi already.).

 Photos at the factory:

One of the workers, Mr. Sativinder who were making blind people tiles

The sample of the tiles

He was mixing the cements

The machine that used to produce the blind people tiles

My leg after working in the factory (bitten by mosquitoes)

   Generally, making a brick or tiles is quite hard because you need some techniques to ensure it shapes does not run away. Also, it was a good experience working there although I keep doing mistake all over and over again. As a saying goes "failure is the mother of success". It doesn't matter how many mistakes or failures you did, as long as you tried to improvise yourself. Therefore, I will also keep doing mistakes and then rectifying my mistakes gradually.

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

Monday 14 December 2015

My Melaka Trip 2015

   Hello everybody! Yesterday i just came back from 2 day 1 night trip in Malacca. It was an awesome and memorable trip with my family members (my mother, my sister and including my uncle's family as well).

   Before beginning, let's briefly talking about Malacca. Malacca is a small state that located at the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia (obviously we as a malaysian knew about it...). It is basically used about 2 hours to travel there (Malacca city center) from Kuala Lumpur (3-4 hours if the highway is jammed). Ok, actually Malacca has vast histories, cultures for us get to know about (if you are malaysian, obviously you may already know about it.). We learn about that the sultanates of the other states in Peninsular Malaysia are originated from Malaccan Sultanate (Kesultanan Melayu Melaka) around 13-14 century. Therefore, our country's sultanates are heavily influenced by it. In 13-14 century, Malacca was also an enormous entrepot port (pelabuhan enterpot) located in Malacca Strait which draws a variety of merchants from different countries trading and staying here. This form an unique cultures in Malacca as they forming settlement here. One of the examples is the Peranakan Baba Nyonya culture (a race that interracial mix between Chinese and Malay) also available here as well.

   After that, let's view my journey in these photos:

On the way to Malacca

Entering into the town center in Malacca.

Entering into the town center in Malacca. (Little India in Melaka)

St Peter's Church in Jalan Bendahara, Melaka.

Yay, it's time to have lunch in this restaurant (located in the junction of Jalan Bendahara and Jalan Munsi Abdullah.)

Delicious chicken rice ball lunch
Tan Kim Hock
Prima hotel, (located in Jalan Kee Ann which nearby Jonker Street and Stadthuys Malacca.)
Having my dinner in Portuguese Settlement.
Continue in next page...
(Please check on my home page...)

My Melaka Trip (continue from the last part...)

Continue from the last part...

On the next day...

We went to the maritime musuem around the city center...

The Stadhuys (red house) in Malacca.
The picture of my family members (on the further right side is me).
   In the end, I can say that this trip enabled me to build stronger rapport with my family members as well as enjoying every single beautiful scenary, historical buildings in Malacca. I do also recommend you guys to visit Malacca if you have some leisure time as it is totally worth it (for those who didn't visit there yet).

Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

*my hotel is booked from So I do also encourage you all to visit this webpage.

Monday 30 November 2015

Ways to score well in SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia).

  What's appearing in your mind when you thinking about SPM? Is it very very hard exam or damn easy exam? Well frankly, I will say about that SPM is moderately hard lah...(depending on the questions coming out on exam paper) and rather significant for us to step into the competitive society as well as further studies.

  Usually, the candidates for the SPM exam in Malaysia are  form 5 student (which are 17 years old or even 18 years old if you go to 'peralihan'). After form 3 the students are stepped into form 4 and form 5 (upper secondary) era. In this era you must always be focus on your academic performance in order to get good grade. This is due to focusing on your academic performance during upper secondary will ease you to achieve flying colour results in SPM as well. So what's are the ways to make you focus in the school lesson?

  According my experience during upper secondary, those people who score well in exam are mostly seat in the front row of the class (obviously...). When you siting in front row, you able to be more focus as you can listen clearly what teacher are explaining about. Besides, you are not tend to fall asleep because many teacher are only noticing the students in the front row. If you don’t fall asleep in the class, then you might concentrate in your study. If you concentrate in your study, then you can score flying colours like those smart people… Win liao lor…

  On top of that, be sure you do revising and accomplish homework that given by teacher everyday. Why? When you keep revising and doing homework, your brain can refreshing and interpreting your knowledge obtained time by time. This keep you able to comprehend all the chapter by chapter in your subjects. For example, you should always keep doing maths, add maths and accounts homework given by teachers although you don’t like it much (ya, seriously somebody thinks maths subjects are torturing their mind lol!)… Therefore, after you understanding the chapters in certain subjects (except for Bahasa Malaysia and English lah) and making you perform well in the exams especially SPM… Win liao lor…

 Last but not least, I hope that you all (the next consecutive badges) will also do well in SPM. Bear in mind that your Bahasa Malaysia and Sejarah are very important in SPM as they are the passport that defining your future career. So please do well in these subjects, hope you can do it. As a saying goes,”when there’s a will, there's a way”. JUST DO IT, you must think positive so you can excel in your future next time.

 Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account ,twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong) ... Thank you, bye!