Friday 22 April 2016

My game review: Gamee - play, win, share!

  Hello everybody! Yeah! This is my second game review in my blogger. Today the game I’m going to review is “Gamee - play, win, share!”. Gamee - play, win!, share! (or known as Gamee) is a latest integrated mini games station that available in each and every of the prominent apps stores such as Google Play Store and Apple IOS Apps Store. The game had been released on December 2015 in the apps stores already drawn certain amount people to download it. The number of people download it is still steadily increasing until it reaches about 100000 of people.  Although it is still a small figure, but I strongly believe that it will likely gradually getting popular among the people from all walks of life in the following months or years.

Gamee Logo

  The apps is developed by Gamee itself. In fact, Gamee is the new game developer, so you all might less familiar about it. Gamee’s priority is on developing the mini games that suitable for the player from all ages to enjoying playing it. The apps is integrated with numerous sorts of the mini games ranging from the adventure types of game to sport types of game. Indeed, those mini games are very interesting for you all once you all already started to play it. Besides, there are also some minor game developers that contribute mini games into that app. Citing to an example, we can meet some game developers like O2, EVROPA2, and others inside of that app.

  This game has what kind of features? Well, this game’s features are basically according to its title which mentioning “play, win, share!”. Therefore, I will roughly talk about these 3 words of its main features. For the word of “Play” is describing us able to play the amazing yet addictive mini games. Once you playing it, you will non-stop staring on your phone screen. Furthermore, there are many choices of the games in this app for you to opt until you are dazzling… Lol! On the other hand, the word of “Win” is describing that you can compete with your fellow friends by beating their high scores once you downloaded this integrated mini games station app. Then, the word of “Share” is to let you share or brag your high scores in the social media such as Facebook as well as Twitter.

  Asides from that, this game also featured the battle among you and your friends. You can join the battle to prove that who are the ‘strongest’! In fact, you can create a new battle to let others to join in your battle as well. In each and every of the battles, you ought to randomly select 3 different mini games to challenge with others. However, the most important matter is you have to enable your GPS before joining or creating a battle. After that, there is an activity bar on lower right of the screen. It looks familiar like Twitter’s activity bar such as mentioning who follows you but it mainly focusing on who beats your high scores. There is a ranking bar as well to let you check your high scores. Last but emphatically not least, it also counts your experience points like many other games. These experience points enable you to level up.

Battle with your friends

  Speaking of the mini game, there are lots of example of popular games in Gamee. For instance, “Street Fighter” is one of the popular mini games that developed by Gamee. The purpose of this game is to destroy all the moving blocks (Some blocks are hard to break.). And then, the mini game, “Basket boy” which developed by O2 also one of the prestigious mini games in that app. This game’s instruction is as easy as pie because you merely need to shoot all basket balls into the basket as accurate as you can. In addition, “Superhero” an action game that developed by EVROPA2. This game just wants you to fly the superhero from the block to the consecutive block.

One of the another example: Karate Kiddo

  Playing this game is just like playing Flappy Bird that ensuring the bird alive and surpassing the obstacles. In order to obtain the highest scores in one of the mini games, you have to be patient when playing that game. This is due to the reason that all of the mini games look very easy to play but very hard when you want to break your high scores in next time. So, once again, good luck if you attempt to break you or your friends’ high scores.

  Okay, going back to the ending. In my general thought, “Gamee - play, win, share!”  is an entertaining and even a stress relieving game as there are lots of games to play when you tempted to rest your mind or keep stresses at bay. I would like to rate this game by 4.5 out of 5. There is a 0.5 deduction from the score as some minor problems in that app such as occasionally crashes in the “Jing Jang” game. Although it has some minor problem, but I can say this game is worth to play. Hope you guys will download it from Play Store or Apple IOS Apps Store. 

Here the videos about Gamee - play, win, share!


   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Saturday 16 April 2016

The hidden price that we never realized.

  Hello everybody! In this era of globalization, we are able to get lots of stuffs from different paying method nowadays. Ranging from the classic cash payment to the advanced yet convenient payment methods such as credit card and flexible payment method, we can imagine how easy it was for us now! Nonetheless, here comes the trouble when we realized that we had overpaid for the stuff by paying credit card interest rate monthly or weekly installment rate for the flexible payment method. Why it will be like this? Why we eventually must pay an exorbitant price compared to cash payment if we opt flexible payment method or credit card payment method?

Hidden fees...

Source from this website:

  Last week, I read an article on TheStar newspaper which entitled “If it’s too god to be true…” written by Datuk Alan Tong. As we able to clearly see that he is one of the properties experts in Malaysia. This is due to him before that was the world president of FIABCI International for 2005/2006 and awarded the Property Man of the Year 2010 at FIABCI Malaysia Property Award. He is also the group chairman of Bukit Kiara Properties. In this article, he will like to expose to us about the hidden prices in the market that we never met before.

  He used television set as an example to show us regarding the hidden prices in the flexible payment. By looking thoroughly into the article, we can see that the lady in the picture thinking that the television set is very cheap in the flexible payment plan. However, on the other hand, the salesman thinking differently that he can make more profit from the lady as the sum of weekly installment paid by the lady will be more than the original retail price. Therefore after we doing comparison of the cash payment method as well as flexible payment method as mentioned in the article, we can deduct that cash payment method is much better than the flexible payment method.

The picture in the article

  Why did I say so? This is because although cash payment method just discounted about 22% from original retail price (RM4999), but however it is quite lower than the price of flexible payment method after sum up the weekly installment in that payment (as mentioned in the article.). The cash purchasers were offered about 22% from the retail price which is RM3899. Later, there was a special price for the television set under its flexible payment plan was RM2739.30, apparently a massive 45% discount from the retail price. At first glance, the flexible payment plan was the best deal, but the deal appears too good to be true when we detailed into it. So, let’s do some calculations into this payment plan in order to figure out its actual price.

   The weekly installment was RM26.72 for a total of 5 years under the flexible payment method. However, the things going to horrified as the price would end up to be RM6947 instead of RM2739.30 upon last payment…  There is huge difference between a cash purchase and the flexible payment method since the total amount paid for the installment plan is 78% higher than the cash payment which after being discounted for 22%. Besides, the effective interest rate per year for the financing of 5 years is 45% (Damn high isn’t it?).  That is the huge difference between these two payment methods.  So it’s better for us to use cash payment method if we able to fork out the money to buy the stuff. In contrast, if we didn’t have enough of money, don’t compel yourself to buy the item by flexible payment plan as it end up will cost us higher than the original price.

  Meanwhile, on the separate matter, he also recommends us to spend on assets rather than the depreciating items. As we all know about that, all the assets such as investments and properties will have potential value appreciation. The depreciating values of these assets are rarely seen… Moreover, there is lower interest rate in the assets as the calculation method of interest rate is based on reducing balance method. Furthermore, the effective rate for a housing loan is as advertised… Well, let’s imagine if we can channel the money spent on depreciating items to assets, definitely our money would have grown and helped to improve our financial position. Therefore, we able to learn that spending on the assets are way better than spending on depreciating item as the depreciating item we buy today would not have much left after it was being replaced by more advanced technology products…

  Speaking of car loans and credit card interest rate, these two payments are similar with flexible payment plan which cause us to pay more. This is in light of fact that the interest rates are calculated based on the full loan amount instead of reducing balance which utilized in assets. Thus, its effective interest rate is differs than the advertisement. For instance, the interest rate for credit cards is calculated based on 1.5% per month, hence the effective rate per year is 18% (1.5% times 12 months). Apart from that , for a RM100000 car loan with a 2.5% interest rate and a 7-year loan tenure, the interest amount would be RM17500, making the total amount for the car RM117500. As a result the effective interest rate for this car loan is 4.7% instead of 2.5%, Here are the examples that we can clearly see and will make us to think twice when we going to take loan for a car, credit cards or even other depreciating items…

  Returning to the conclusion, we tend to be drawn in by the “attractiveness” of easy payment plans without weighing the hidden financial commitment on many occasions. In fact, it is totally wasting our hard-earned money on something that we overspend if we didn’t do any calculations on the hidden price in the so-called flexible payment. Although the flexible payment eases us to gain an item immediately, we may overlook the true value of the item and the potential financial burden it brings. Therefore, lastly, he reiterated on the last paragraph that we must think twice of a deal is too good to be true.

  Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Monday 11 April 2016

A normal Sunday again... But today is my little cousin's birthday...

  Hello everybody! Yesterday, as usual, it was just an ordinary Sunday with nothing special for all of us... Generally on that day we only go for some groceries shopping, gathering with family and doing some leisure activities. However, for me, yesterday was a nice Sunday I ever had as I could eat as much as I could... (Just kidding, actually I ate a lot in my little cousin's birthday celebration!)

  In order to let you all know what were happening on that day, here are the photos for you all to have a look into it...

An adult swimming pool with the depth of 1.20m
Before celebrating my little cousin's birthday, I and my younger sister went to swimming pool to swim in this sweltering yet scorching Sunday. After an hour, we took bath and getting prepared in order to celebrate my little cousin's birthday...

The mouth-watering birthday cake. (It was a fruit cake... Hmm... delicious...)

That's her, the birthday girl... (She just came back from swimming pool...)

My another little cousin. She is the birthday girl's young sister...

My aunt, my uncle as well as my father were enjoying their dinner (Actually my other family members also having dinner, but I didn't capture them...). On the table, there were a variety of foods such as Char Kway Teow, Fried Mee, Rendang Chicken, KFC Fried Chicken and so on...

My little cousin was delighted...

  Well, that are the things happened on yesterday... Indeed, yesterday I ate too much, haha... Thanks for you guys to read my short blog post and I will post more interesting things about my daily life soon, hope you waiting for it...

     Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Thursday 7 April 2016

Dei, mind your manners and attitudes lah...

  Hello everybody! Today I going to show you guys these 2 videos that talking about the manners and attitudes…

  The first one is talking about the school bullies. Seriously, I don’t understand why nowadays some students who tempted to seek for attention from others by bullying other students. For example, in the video had stated that a standard 2 students compelled to cut off minor front part of his tongue in order to avert himself from being bullied by those perpetuate students (Happened in Malaysia)…  All the jobs that you (bullies) did will only leave a negative impression on the others especially the victims of being bullied, fellow teachers and students even the societies as well… Furthermore, that’s even making the societies shame on you and your parents (normally the societies will assume the parents didn’t manage to teach their children properly…). Therefore, please lah, don’t throw all your parents’ images into the drain (making your parents shame) by perpetuating this kind of act… It isn’t cool, you know…

 (Click this link to watch...)

  Secondly, this video is regarding about the manners, although it mostly talking about the rudeness and impoliteness of the China chinese tourists. From the video, you can see that he is talking about his experiences in meeting this kind of no manner people… For an instance, he says he saw an uncle who came from China that spitting on the carpet map in the Genting Casino (It is literally disgusting…). Then, in Thailand, he encountered  the tourists came from China who bumped him and cut the queue in order to order a meal in MCD. Not only these, the tourists also blatantly ordering the meal until the cashier didn’t know what to do… Hey, please lah, don’t be so rude lah… You just making other countries people hating you only… However, they didn’t express the hate in front of you as their want to earn money from your pocket….

  Lastly, once again I reiterate the manners and attitude are very important in our live. If we show our bad attitude and rudeness to other people, then we will automatically look down by others. Let’s us begin to practice a good attitude and manner in daily lives and of course say ‘no’ to bullies in school!
  These 2 videos are taken from these youtubers channels… Their youtube channels are (Lim Shang Jin) and (TheGRIMFILM). If you like their videos, you can immediately subscribe these 2 youtubers respectively…

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

Friday 1 April 2016

My game review: Clash Royale

  Hello everybody! In the beginning of this blog post, I have a question to ask you all. Have you all been playing this type of strategy game whose strategy is just only using the cards to play with another player? Well, that game is named Clash Royale! ClashRoyale is an outstanding cards and strategy game that played by almost all individual who came from all around the world regardless their ages.  Now there are about 10 million people downloaded this game and played just about a month it released has proven this is a prestigious game ever. The game released on 2nd March in the Android IOS and Apple IOS, so you can search it from there…

Clash Royale app logo

  Okay, let’s straight forward to this review, shall we? Many people may ask why the particular game successfully drawn many people to play if that game has many people download from the apps store. This is because of Clash Royale has a variety of interesting yet cool cards to collect. Ranging from the epic ones to the common ones, these cards are categorized into 3 which are troops (attacking cards), towers (the defensive cards) and magic spells for you to collect in order to make use in the battles. Besides, that game also has a graphic in high quality. It is undeniably true that a good quality game also being benchmarked with this aspect, graphics. So, the game developer develops a better quality of graphic in this game to make it looks like full-scale real battle between two castle (a king tower and 2 arena towers).

   Moreover, this game, Clash Royale is definitely an addictive game. Once you play, you can’t even stop as you’re keep focusing on how to rank up your trophy and upgrading your cards. Indeed, ranking up your trophy is not as easy as a pie; but if you master all the cards strategies, it will be fine for you.  There are many opponents you will be encountered on, therefore you can learn their strategies to improve your cards deck (8 slots of cards that used in battles) strategy. Furthermore, the free chests which available in this game also draw many people to play it as well. There are free chests for you to unlock in every 4 hours. You will be notified when the free chests are available (*when you are off from this game). However, the free chests only can accumulate to 2 only (2 is the maximum). 

  There are lots of feature in this game, such as real battle with one opponent (dueling). This is owing to we have to utilize the right cards in out deck to KO opponent in order to win crowns. The crowns are used to earn an epic crown chest. In addition, this game does have a clan for us to join. You can either create or join a clan to chit-chatting, friendly battle or donating cards to the other members (create a clan will cost us about 1000 gold). Bear in mind that donating a card is important for you as you will gain experience points and gold. The experience points will help you to level up your towers (king tower, arena tower), while gold can use to upgrade your cards.

Clash of clan youtuber tournament

  Speaking of the cards, there are common, rare and epic cards as I mentioned above. The common cards are easily to get and upgrade compared to the rare and epic cards. Nonetheless, don’t underestimate the power of common cards as they as well will blow up your towers if you didn’t take note about it. For example, the tomb of skeleton which generates skeletons able to distract your arena towers and makes the opponent to kill you faster, so beware. Besides, there are chests in the game as well. Once you win the battle, you will obtain the chests. All the chests will contain of cards (sometimes you may get duplicated cards), gold and gems (very rare). Apart from that, there are many cards for us to unlock in each of the arenas. From arena 1 to the legendary arena 8, there are powerful cards to obtain such as Giant, Giant Skeleton, Witch, Prince, P.E.K.K.A. and so on…

The chest unlocking the prince...

  Ok, now we talk about how to win a battle. Basically, you have to make sure your cards are balanced in attacking and defensing. For instances, the combination of the giant and balloon skeleton can easily blow up the opponent towers. On the other hand, Tesla, Inferno Tower and Bomb Tower are the powerful defensive cards to use.  This is only a basic skill, if you want to learn more strategy then watch this YouTube video.

                                 This youtuber name is Ash - Clash of Clans & Clash Royale

   In conclusion, the rating I going to give is 5 out of 5 (full marks), as I mentioned above, there are lots of pros specifications regarding to this game are being talk about. In my opinion, this game does instill us to be patient. This is because we are not necessarily will guarantee our victory on the battle since there are some pro opponents playing with us. Therefore once again, we must be patient when we want to rank up our trophy.
   Last but not least, I almost forgotten to ask you all whether want to join my clan or not. Here’s my clan name (Rest in peace), so hope you all will join it! We will play some friendly battles with each other soon…

    Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!