Thursday 7 April 2016

Dei, mind your manners and attitudes lah...

  Hello everybody! Today I going to show you guys these 2 videos that talking about the manners and attitudes…

  The first one is talking about the school bullies. Seriously, I don’t understand why nowadays some students who tempted to seek for attention from others by bullying other students. For example, in the video had stated that a standard 2 students compelled to cut off minor front part of his tongue in order to avert himself from being bullied by those perpetuate students (Happened in Malaysia)…  All the jobs that you (bullies) did will only leave a negative impression on the others especially the victims of being bullied, fellow teachers and students even the societies as well… Furthermore, that’s even making the societies shame on you and your parents (normally the societies will assume the parents didn’t manage to teach their children properly…). Therefore, please lah, don’t throw all your parents’ images into the drain (making your parents shame) by perpetuating this kind of act… It isn’t cool, you know…

 (Click this link to watch...)

  Secondly, this video is regarding about the manners, although it mostly talking about the rudeness and impoliteness of the China chinese tourists. From the video, you can see that he is talking about his experiences in meeting this kind of no manner people… For an instance, he says he saw an uncle who came from China that spitting on the carpet map in the Genting Casino (It is literally disgusting…). Then, in Thailand, he encountered  the tourists came from China who bumped him and cut the queue in order to order a meal in MCD. Not only these, the tourists also blatantly ordering the meal until the cashier didn’t know what to do… Hey, please lah, don’t be so rude lah… You just making other countries people hating you only… However, they didn’t express the hate in front of you as their want to earn money from your pocket….

  Lastly, once again I reiterate the manners and attitude are very important in our live. If we show our bad attitude and rudeness to other people, then we will automatically look down by others. Let’s us begin to practice a good attitude and manner in daily lives and of course say ‘no’ to bullies in school!
  These 2 videos are taken from these youtubers channels… Their youtube channels are (Lim Shang Jin) and (TheGRIMFILM). If you like their videos, you can immediately subscribe these 2 youtubers respectively…

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

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