Wednesday 25 January 2017

Today is the active and productive day for me.

Hello everybody! Today is the active and productive day for me as I exercised a lot today. I participated my school (SMK Batu 8) road run event and played futsal for the first time with a gang of friends.

The random picture of marathon. (Just extracted from Google image)
Today (25/1/17) my school organized the road run event. That event is actually wanted to do on (14/1/17) but it postponed till today due to the Indian Ponggal Festival celebration on that day. Fortunately, this activity is still able to carry on today although currently we’re facing the rainy season in this area. 

Although this 4km road run is making me so tired, but I still felt so happy as I was able to run longer than before. Normally, I never being able to have lot stamina to run for a long distance until recently I am gaining weight until 90kg. This motivates me to do more exercise by jogging in every weekend or occasionally during school holidays. That’s why I have such stamina to run for a long distance.

After that road run event ended, I was invited by my friends to go ‘makan’ in Chinese kopitiam (Usually I rarely join my friends to go outside ‘makan’ as I only like to stay at home or travel to KL or PJ alone). 
A chinese kopitiam nearby my house.

Later I joined them to play futsal.

Badminton court

Zelka Sports Centre at BK1, Bandar Kinrara in Puchong, Selangor

In conclusion, today is a productive day for me. It is better than staying at home to keep studying every day. Besides, I also learn some technique to play futsal although I am currently just a noobie futsal player (In Malay: Kaki Bangku). 

There are still 3 more days to Chinese New Year. Here is the video of Astro CNY song.

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

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