Saturday 1 February 2020

Things to do in Kelantan (Kota Bharu, Rantau Panjang, Bachok and Sungai Kolok…)

Hello everybody, many of us may opined that Kelantan is a rural state in Peninsula Malaysia with least developed and mature amenities and townships as compared to the other states in Peninsula Malaysia… However, due to these underdevelopment factors, this makes Kelantan to be deemed as an underrated state of Malaysia in terms of tourism. Therefore, today I am here going to share some places for us to visit in northern part of Kelantan (southern part mostly were covered with thick forest and lush greeneries, next time if I have chance, I may cover the Kelantan southern part too). The focus of this blog post is on Kota Bharu, Rantau Panjang and Bachok in Kelantan and Sungai Kolok, Thailand as well as the Kelantanese foods.

Pantai Senok beach in Bachok district of Kelantan.
Referring to the previous posts, there are about few times I had explained about Kelantan states in the previous year, so if you want to know more about the previous posts you may click here to read one of it. As I had mentioned in previous post, Kota Bharu, Kelantan is my hometown, thus every year my family and I will visit there during an occasion of Chinese New Year celebration. So, this post will only touch briefly regarding Kota Bharu. 

Kota Bharu

Kota Bharu is a capital city for Kelantan state in Malaysia, besides it is also being the largest city in the whole Kelantan state. This is because of the rest of the towns in Kelantan aren’t that developed on par with the rest of the main towns or cities in Peninsula Malaysia. However, since it’s the capital and main city in Kelantan state, therefore, there are numerous shopping malls in Kota Bharu even though there still hasn’t have any cinema yet. For an example, there are shopping malls such as KB Mall, Tesco, Billion, Parksons and recently opened Aeon, all of these are to cater the people’s daily life needs such as groceries and leisure or pastime activities. Furthermore, there are also having a few of franchises opened in Kota Bharu. The popular ones are KFC, McDonalds, Tealive, Xing Fu Tang as well as Starbucks. Both Xing Fu Tang and Starbucks which were just opened here already drawn many local people flocked there to patronize their product. In short, Kelantan isn’t that poor as what people deemed it stereotypically, instead the state’s capital city – Kota Bharu, is basically just like a city status in the other more developed states in Malaysia.
Kota Bharu city centre clock tower
Prestigious kopitiam in Kota Bharu

Xing Fu Tang boba tea franchise in Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Rantau Panjang

Rantau Panjang is one of the border towns of Kelantan state of Malaysia with Narathiwat province of Thailand. There has a duty-free zone for us to purchase things free from tax. The border town is roughly 40km away from the city centre of Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Besides, it is also being separate from Golok town in Thailand by the Golok River as an international border. Historically, the southern provinces of Thailand such as Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala were once merged as one as Pattani Sultanate. Pattani sultanate in the past was a state that identically and culturally as same as neighbouring Kelantan state. However, the Pattani sultanate were separated from Kelantan and drawn into Siam force after British and Siam signed Bangkok treaty in 1909. Meanwhile, British obtained the northern states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis and Kedah in Malaya after the treaty signed in 1909 and formed an unfederated Malay states together with Johor shortly after that. Then, Golok river will be used as an international border to separate Kelantan state from Narathiwat province of Pattani, Thailand at that time. The border drawn in 1909 was still abide by both Malaysia and Thailand till this date. Thus, when we cross border from Rantau Panjang to Sungai Kolok will find that there were many Malay-Muslim in Thailand, it was all the history.
Rantau Panjang small border town to Thailand

Golok bridge crossing to Thailand

Golok bridge

Jubli Perak Sultan Ismail Petra Chinese-styled mosque
Sungai Kolok, Thailand

As mentioned above, Golok river was used as an international border of Malaysia and Thailand. So, there is a small town developed on the other side of Golok river in Thailand side known as Sungai Kolok (Thai pronounce: Su-Ngai-Ko-Lok). Sungai Kolok is a favourite place for the Kelantanese to visit as their cultures there were almost the same as in Kelantan, being nearby to Kelantan state and some goods there were cheaper in Malaysia. Indeed, that part of Southern Thailand was the least integrated to Thai culture as compared to Hatyai, Songkhla and Satun. Many people used to visit there to seek for happiness as those “happiness” couldn’t anywhere in Kelantan state. However, since the last few year bombing and insurgency in Southern Thai’s Muslim majority provinces and economic recession, many people opted not go enter Thailand via Sungai Kolok, instead all of them diverted to the alternative border town such as Padang Besar and Dannok. Therefore, the streets and roads are in tranquil without many vehicles on the road.

Popular drinks available in Thailand

Sungai Kolok Thailand checkpoint


Bachok is one of the districts that is close to Kota Bharu city centre along with Pasir Mas and Tumpat districts. It is also considered as the district that has the longest coastline as compared to the other districts in Kelantan. Therefore, this blog post I am going to talk about one of the splendid beaches in Bachok district of Kelantan. Pantai Senok is one of the beautiful yet unpolluted beaches in the East coast of Peninsula Malaysia. It has a lush green of tropical beach pine trees there and unbroken sandy and crystal blue coastline. Thus, many of people go there to take a photo and upload on social media because of the beautiful scenery there. The beach is in Tawang, a rural town in Bachok district of Kelantan and being only 20 minutes driving distance from Kota Bharu city centre. Therefore, it is also an option for us to visit from Kota Bharu apart from going to Pantai Cahaya Bulan beach in Kota Bharu district. 

Kelantanese foods

Kelantanese foods are quite distinct from the rest of the states in west coast of Peninsula Malaysia. Among the Kelantanese dishes, this post will focus on Khao Jam and Lakso Kelate. 
Khao Jam
Video of Budu in processing

Khao Jam

Khao Jam is thai version of Nasi Kerabu in Kelantan, unlike Nasi Kerabu Kelantan, it is made of green rice instead of blue rice as well as the fish in the dish isn’t fried as compared to nasi kerabu. The rest of the ingredients of Khao Jam are basically the same as Nasi Kerabu. The obvious similarity among these two are both garnished with Budu sauce. For you all information, Budu sauce is the prestigious product made in Kelantan state. Budu sauce is made of fermented anchovies and minced with chillies. It has the taste of a bit savoury and spicy, and not everyone can accept the taste of this product. Therefore, perhaps there are still some people and even those from the other states from Malaysia are not really into the Kelantan dishes when those dishes had been garnished with Budu sauce.
Lakso Kelate

Lakso Kelate

Laksa is a popular dish across all over the Malaysia. However, it has too many varieties according to the different states in Malaysia. Amongst the varieties, Laksa Penang and Laksa Sarawak are the popular ones, then followed by Laksa Johor aka the southern laksa in Malaysia which its texture and taste quite differ from the north and east coast of Peninsula Malaysia as well as from Sarawak. In fact, Kelantan has also its own of laksa variety, it is called as Lakso Kelate. The noodle itself is basically the same as the other types of Laksa, however, the garnishment is obviously different from the rest of the varieties of Laksa. Instead of putting on the curry alike or prawn sauce, it is garnished with white Santan sauce in which Santan sauce is made of coconut milk. Besides, occasionally, you add some more Ulam which is also known as raw vegetables such as corianders and bean sprouts in your Kelantanese laksa in order to consume it. Therefore, the Kelantanese laksa isn’t that spicy to consume, however, if you want a bit spicier then you can add chilli additionally.

In the end of this blog, I would like to reiterate that there are still many places to be explore in Kelantan. Perhaps, in the future I may do some more posts regarding of different places for tourism in Kelantan. In my opinion, there is still an improvement space for the Kelantan to boost the state’s tourism sector. The state could increase or enhance the public transport system across the state, especially in Kota Bharu city centre so that the tourists whom they don’t own a vehicle being able to travel around the city of Kota Bharu at least followed by travelling to other districts within Kelantan state. The public transport system in Kota Bharu city centre maybe could emulate like what are being did in Klang Valley or Greater Penang area. These both metropolitan areas are having a complete public transport system in which you can travel within the area without any problem. Those were just my 2 cents thoughts in improving tourism sector as the main concern for the tourists are usually about the transportation problem.

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