Monday 20 January 2020

My first part time job in the year of 2020 (Jack N Jill Calbee 18th - 19th Jan of 2020)

Hello everybody! Potato blogger is once again back here again…

“What to do in this semester break?”, that is a question which university students frequently ask themselves or their friends. In fact, there are lots of thing can be done in the semester break such as doing some part time job, going to travel with friends or going for a university activities camp. These few options are the most popular activities chosen by the university students to carry out in the semester break. In my humble opinion, I prefer to go for backpack trip alone as that is my interest, however, I did like to make some quick money prior of going to backpack trip so that I can higher amount of backup budget to cover up my expenditures. Therefore, today’s blog topic is on my 2020-year first part time job.
At Aeon IOI Mall Puchong

For starters, I got this part time job from my previous promoter job (Heineken 0.0) manager, in which her company oversaw the brand activation campaign (promotional activities) of Jack N Jill CALBEE potato chips. Since I had few promoter experiences previous, so she again welcomed me to do this promoter job. However, that time I was a bit reluctant to pick the job as I deemed that the Chinese New Year was just around the corner and I really wanted to hang out with friends during the weekend (18th of 19th of January). Luckily, my parents and the other outlet promoter that I met in training session for that promoter job deter me from just quit this temporary part time job. They said the same thing to me by telling me to differentiate which one is the important one slacking at home do nothing or spend money on entertainment with friends or go to work first before spending money. Therefore, this had enlightened me to do this part time without any hesitation.

I did my promoter job at Aeon IOI Mall Puchong for 2 days from 18th till 19th of January. That was my first time ever to work there. I heard that many people said that Aeon IOI Mall Puchong was rather stringent to its staffs and promoters. Upon receiving this news, I was bit frightened and I went there and realized there literally very stringent on the staffs and promoters’ affair there. On the first day of working, I was forced to run here and there to get the outlet manager signature of “Sell in Letter” before going inside to prepare for work by the security guards there. The other outlet is not as that strict, from my inference. Besides, prior of going in the mall, the staffs and promoters will be check by security guard meticulously on attire and hygiene. I was called to tuck-in my working t-shirt into black slack pants and cut fingernails to look tidy and hygiene. In fact, the intention of the Aeon outlet is correct as it wants to leave the customer to give a good impression to the Aeon, in my opinion.
Randon picture of Aeon staff entrance
Loading bay that linked staff entrance to the selling floor

After settling the issue at staff entrance, as usual, I did my promoter regular job scope there by preparing samples and counting the stocks. I studied and recapped again what were the selling points and key promotional activities on going before really start to approach customer. It was the time to show my eloquence in selling the product… Show time… It turns out the product, Jack N Jill CALBEE was well received there. There were many people purchased the potato chips on that 2 days. Perhaps, I guess it was a ‘hot’ period to prepare goods for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration. Anyways, I just did promote and push sales as usual to make the sales higher a bit… 

The samples...

Here was a bit about CALBEE, Basically, CALBEE is a latest potato chips brand of Jack N Jill and it has 3 flavours such as Classic Salted (Salty and Not spicy one), Smoky BBQ and Flaming Chilli. However, the latter one, Flaming Chilli flavour, most of the people said it was not spicy enough even though it labelled as “Flaming Chilli”. Besides, all the flavours were too salty, according to most of the respondents who had tasted the samples. Then, there was so-called “Fortune Angpow Contest” that is still on going from 1st Jan till 27th of January. The prizes detail, kindly view the picture below this paragraph. To participate this contest, you have to purchase more than RM10 of CALBEE in a single receipt and a setoff Angpows which consist of 3 angpows will be gift out and you can scan the QR code of whichever of the angpows inside that set of angpow. Then, upload your receipt onto the link to participate the contest. So, in short, this was how my that 2 days working routine by doing and telling same thing to customers repeatedly.
Good business until it was being replaced by another stock due to it was high in demand till the extend of out of stock.

Apart from that, as a saying goes that job happiness and environment are determined by the subordinate-supervisor relationships and co-worker relationships. I was glad that I’ve met many kind and good co-worker of promoters there. This is owing to we were in the same wavelength that enabled us to communicate with ease. We chatted on some topics such as previous working experiences, university life as well as some political issues from domestic ones to international ones. The latter issues we discussed more often than the former ones. Besides, I just got to know that they were also living at the same main township as mine in Puchong city. This made us to chat non-stop there whenever the volume of crowd was getting lesser. Upon finishing the last day of work there (19th Jan 2020), we had exchanged our product samples with each other as a small appreciation of recognizing each other there. Meanwhile, my supervisor was a nice guy too. He had a strong believe on me to do the things right there and giving me some motivation to do the work. A leader whom he or she trust the subordinates to do the work right and giving some motivation will do help boosting work performance of the subordinates. Therefore, I was able to do my job in ease and performed well there by having recognition from supervisor. In short, workplace’s people relationships will be a key factor for the workplace environment to be in healthy and good status.

To conclude, I would like to say this was a good opportunity for me to meet and socialize with more people rather than doing nothing during the semester break. Indeed, promoter jobs certainly do boost my confidence in talking and approaching the strangers. At the first glance when I got my part time promoter job in the last year 2019’s January, I was a bit scared and worried to approach the potential customers. Nevertheless, as the time moved by, I am not afraid to talk to the strangers anymore by gaining more and more promoter experience. So, it is a good channel to practice socializing skill apart from merely learning it through universities or schools.

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