Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016!!!

   Hello everybody, it’s me again… Happy New Year guys! Today is the 1st day of the 2016 (on the Malaysian time zone GMT+8.).  Well… apparently, I think we might have some goals that we wish to accomplish in this 2016 year…  So, let me ask you a question what are your goals in 2016? Is it getting better academic performance (mostly for those students)?  Is it getting rich? Or even able to find a girlfriend or boyfriend  (that’s not my goals in 2016 lah…)? Without wasting much time let me tell you all about my goals in this new year. 2016.
   I have only 4 goals that I wish to be accomplished on 2016 (hope so lah…). First and foremost, My goals in 2016 is to get another part time job before May of 2016 (because starting of the new semester of form 6, one of the higher educations in Malaysia.).  I don’t care about how much the wage is, the most important thing is I get experiences from the job (such as communication skill with the society).  I also able to do more beneficial things when I get part time job rather than stay at home doing nothing. Secondly,  I hope that I manage to loose some weight or fats in 2016. This is due to my family members especially my mother keep blaming me that I am obese (haha, actually my mass is 76kg with my height 175cm, you can find out my BMI…). The fats make me unable to wear certain clothes especially very thigh jeans. So, I want to loose some fats (just cut down about 2-5 kg. I hope so…).
   Apart from that, I wish that more and more people will read my blog although it is like impossible thing to be happened. I will try my level best to refined my writing skill in order to let you all be satisfied when you all are reading my post. You do also can leave some comments (must be the constructive one lah…) on my posts so that I will rectify my mistake on my writing skill. Besides, I wish i will get rid of my bad habits, bad altitudes in the previous year 2015 (try my best...).

   In conclusion, everybody has their own goals to be achieved in the new year…  So… once again I hope that we will together work hard to achieve our goals! Yes we can! We try our best! As a saying goes: “every dog has its day”. You will be successful in someday. 

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!


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