Friday 22 January 2016

Searching for part time job - part 2

   Later, on the 9th of January 2016, I’ve got promoted a job which was being a part time home tutor. My elder sister’s friend’s sister who was Form 5 needed a part time home tutor in order to teach her in Science subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. So, without hesitation, I quickly responded ‘Yes, I want to do’ to my sister’s friend. We held an appointment on that day at mamak stall (Indian-Muslim restaurant) in Taman Kinrara, Puchong to discuss about the things regarding to the home tuition. After the discussion, we agreed the tuition will start on 11th January and we consented about the tuition fee as well.

Maalini Curry House near Taman Kinrara 1, Puchong

   However, the problems and challenges surged into my mind after I going back home. I was worried about how to teach her in order to make her more understand on that subject. Besides, I was anxious about the time management in order to catch up the chapters in the subjects on time.  I spared some of my time to revise back the subjects that I used to learn during Form 4 and Form 5. Besides, I did also make a plan on which topics should I teach on that day. 

Here are some of the books that used to teach her

   On the first day (11th January), I finished preparing the teaching materials and went to her house. I was nervous but I kept telling myself that I can teach her successfully. I tried my level best to teach and explain to her at the time. Nevertheless, on the next day (12th January), she said she still couldn’t understand what I taught. So, I pleaded to her in order to give me second chance but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want me teach her anymore… What!?, This was my first reaction at the time. Nevermind, I tried my level best already… I also got to know about that being a tutor is not very easy than I thought…

  Without giving up my hope, on the next week, I traveled to IOI mall, Puchong to find part time job. I basically walked in almost every single shop in the shopping mall but I still couldn’t find any part time jobs. The shop owners either gave me excuses like ‘the part time jobs here are full already’ or ‘there’s no part time job offered here’. Only a few of them were giving me an employment form to fill up. After filling up that form, I made use my time by going to bookstore and read some books. Here again, I was empty handed going back home…

Le me waiting for a bus in Taman Bukit Kuchai bus stop
IoI mall (old wing)

Make use of my time in Popular Book Store

   Last but not least, I did also find part time on Internet. I went to this website to find part time jobs such as Promoter, Retails assistant, writer and so forth. Basically, we are needed to send our resumes to the authorities if we are interested to the specific jobs. So, I did also send lots of resumes to them and hoping them to reply me by emailing me. Lol, none of them were emailing me back, just merely one person interviewed me by phone calling. However, He said that I am not officially 18 years old this was why that company didn’t not want to hire me as that was one of the company policies (Seriously?). Haiz…

 simple sample resumebasic resume samples Resume Builder Resume Templates 0usZbaWvThis is one of the simplest resumes...

   In conclusion, from the previous part, we learn that being a promoter must be friendly, keep smiling to customer always and have very good eloquence. I know already why I failed to get hired by them because I was not a person who has very good eloquence and not being very friendly. Speaking about the home tutor, we learned that not everybody is suitable to be a tutor. Being a tutor doesn’t only care about how you very understand on the subjects but also car about how you can disseminate the knowledge to the students. Try your level best also to sent as much resumes as you can to them (the more you sent, the higher the probability to get hire, it depends...) Lastly, I would like to thank those people who at least let me try once on working. Because of you, I can gain lots of experiences although I am rejected by you all at the time. Thank you!

  Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

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