Friday 15 January 2016

Searching for part time job - part 1

   Hello everybody! In previous blog post I were telling you all that I got a part time job already, but however that part time job just merely helping my mother and her boss (actually also my uncle) working in the factory. They kept guiding me on the works, teaching me how to get into society and buying for me lunch every time… After me working there, I chose to find the second part time job independently. The purpose I chose to do this was to let my holiday more beneficial (instead of staying at home every day) before the 1st semester of Form 6 school life begins. So, here is my journey in searching of my second part time job.

Now my wallet is 'empty', so I am trying to find second part time job

   In last year’s December (2015 years), I attended the promoter training program that held by ePromode Sdn. Bhd.(a promoter training company) in Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur. At the time, I showed my reluctance to go there because my family compelling me to attend the program so I could gain more working experience. After reaching there, I saw there were also many people who were still studying in College and University or still waiting for their SPM or STPM results presented on the program. I felt nervous and awkward as there were too many people packed in the big training room. During the training, the trainers (who knows as CK and Jasmine) wanted us to ‘break the ice’ with each other by recognizing each other in 5 minutes. Then, they calling us one by one to tell the people’s name who you just recognized (sound great right, I merely get to know 2-3 out of many of them.). Later, the trainer, Jasmine taught us about the marketing and sales principles such as ‘the dos and don’ts of the promoter’ and ‘how to deal with the promoting problems’. She did also give us a short test which I managed to get almost all correct. Lastly, it was the role playing session which I hate the most because you have to act yourself like a real promoter in promoting your product. She gave us about 10 minutes to investigate and discuss with each other about the product and act like a promoter (I simply acting at the time because I was too nervous and I don’t know how to act.). Due to I failed to act as a promoter, none of the branded company (like Nestle, Milo…) wanted to hire me… (how sad it is)

ePromode logo

one of the ePromode branch in Old Klang Road

the example of promoter job in supermarket

   Two weeks later, I decided to find part time job by seeking job vacancy in nearby shopping mall (IOI mall). I travelled to IOI mall by bus (this was my first time…). After reaching there, I go and ask some retail shop lots in the shopping mall like (TGI Friday’s, Esquire Kitchen, Chatime, Starbucks, GSC Cinema…). However, I got no fruition except for the Esquire Kitchen and Starbucks. The Esquire Kitchen (a chinese restaurant) willing to hire me as a waiter but I rejected because I had to work during Chinese New Year (later cannot celebrate liao…) and I didn’t even know which dishes were the best recommended when the patron were ordering food. Speaking of Starbucks, its employees only gave me a form to fill it up then until now I not even getting hire into Starbucks. Therefore, I empty-handed went back home. 

IoI mall, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia

  Nonetheless, I didn’t give up, I went again to IOI mall in order to seek for part time job in the next day. This time I got a retail shop lot (Selling electronic dictionary) were considering to hire me. I was over the moon. Nonetheless, due to I was too happy and excited, I took wrong bus back to home. The more unlucky thing was the retail shop lot supervisor called me on the phone that other people replace me already… (What?!)

The examples of the bus to go to the shopping mall (Metrobus and Rapid Kl).

*Part 2 is coming up next, stay tuned…
  Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

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