Thursday 18 February 2016

My movie review: Ola Bola

  Hello everybody! Have you all watched the movie which entitled “Ola Bola”? It sounds familiar for some about this movie right? Ola Bola is a prestigious movie regarding football ever filmed in Malaysia (unbelievable right?). Just merely 12 days since the premiere of this movie in cinemas, its profit already sky-rocketing to 8 million Ringgit Malaysia! It totally breaks the record in Malaysia. In order to for you all get to know further about why this movie given a ‘like’ by the people, here’s my review regarding to this movie.

The director, Chiu Keng Guan

  Ola Bola (A film directed by Chiu Keng Guan) is a movie depicted about the glories of Malaysian football in the era of 70’s and 80’s. Therefore, you can see each and every one there dressed in old-fashion clothes and their hairstyles are totally fitted in to the decades. As you can see the footballers’ hairstyle are in long hair and bloomed. Its background is totally looks alike to that decade. For an instance, you can see that retro funfair jostled with the people already depicted the society lifestyle in 70’s and 80’s. Besides, you do also see that many old-fashioned vehicles on the roads.

  Speaking about the Malaysian football at the time, the footballers were striving hard in order to win in Olympics games although many of them only being part time footballers. The captain of the football, Chow Kwok Keong alias ‘Tauke’ (Big Boss) also a part time footballer who striving hard training the team in order to win the games. Initially, he tempted to be the coach for the team as he was the captain of the team. However, a coach from England has been replaced him. He felt unsatisfied to the new coach initially as the coach had different thoughts on the football strategies. Due to the discordance of the football tactics, the football team’s formation was in a mess. The Tauke also given a red card in them match as well (he stubbornly using his own tactics in the match.) But nevertheless, he did apologize to the new coach after realizing his decision was wrong (leaving the team) and beginning to work hard in football training in order to improvise the team’s performance in pre-Olympics match 1980.

  The football team also being demoralized many times in the movie but they stood up again later. For example, Muthu (goalkeeper) almost ought to give up his football carrier as his father disagree him to play football. His father actually concerned that whoever will help him to do the job (collecting coconut) and take care of other siblings (Sami, Vellu, Kumar). However, he later decided to go back to the team in order to achieve glory for the team. Furthermore, the whole teammate also demoralized when someone from the South Korea team told them that Malaysia also boycotted 1980 Olympic inMoscow, Russia. At the time, whole teammates’ spirits were devastated, especially Ali (The striker). Fortunately, the captain, Tauke came back to the team and moralise them by saying “Kita menang untuk dia orang! Boleh tak?” And certainly, they managed to win back the match in pre-Olympic match by defeating the South Korean team (3-2). [1st half 1-2, 2nd half 3-2]
  Last but not least, this movie contains 2 messages which it wanted to convey to younger generation in the country, Malaysia. The first is, we are ought to foster unity among each other in the country. In the movie, we could see that 3 different races (Malays, Chinese and Indian) living in harmonious way. They getting along with each other and forming a multi-racial national football team.  Secondly, we must be patriotic. In order to be a patriotic Malaysian, we must show our endorsement to our own national team in the international arena. For example, we could see an abundance of audiences showed their support to the national football team.

  Henceforth, back to the conclusion, I could rate this movie with 4.8 out of 5 (or even more than 4.8). This is on account of this movie truly let us, Malaysian to cherish our own national team in the international arena. The movie did also relevant to the Malaysian Football history (if you watched it already...). The director of this movie had an interview with the real footballers at that era before filming this movie. In addition, this movie truly represents the Malaysian lifestyle as three races could get along with each other in the movie.

   Ok, that's all I want to talk about. I hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... If you have any comments or suggestions about this blogger, please comment below this blog post. Thank you, bye!

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