Tuesday 2 February 2016

The 'Likes'

   Hello everybody! Do you ever feel that you are caring about the number of likes on your Facebook posts? Yup, basically everybody eager to gain more likes from others people regardless they recognize you or not (Frankly even me as well, hahahahaha...).

   'Likes' is the thing that just recently invented in 21th century (generally we can see it on the social media nowadays especially Facebook). Here's the question, why it is becoming more and more crucial in our life? After you finish watching this movie, you will find his remarks are very pertinent.

    So, again the last question, do you also care about how many likes on your facebook or other social media?

This video is in Mandarin Chinese. Therefore, for those who do not understand it, just see the subtitle as the subtitle is in English.

Lim Shang Jin - #47 - 赞 LIKES 

Click this link to watch, don't forget to subscribe him if you like it..

   Ok, that's all Iwant to talk about. Please do follow me on my Google + account, twitter
(@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

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