Friday 5 February 2016

My point of view: I.S. terrorism

Hello everybody! The world situation nowadays is getting worse and worse. From the natural disasters to discovery of new species of diseases such as Ebola and Zika Virus – that recently encountered in Brazil and later began spreading to the nearly whole America continent, let alone the wars and terrorism in the world.
The Aedes Mosquito which may be Zika virus carrier
The wars actually are like destruction of the mankind history by clashing each other and even bombing each other by Atomic bomb, Napalm bomb and nuclear bomb (which not yet being used.).  Since the World War II ended, the organization of United Nation (U.N.) was established by the purpose of retaining the world in peace (although there were some proxy wars during Cold War like Korean War, Vietnam War, War in Afghanistan…). However, time passed from the World War II to Cold War then to nowadays which the ignorance civilian are being slaughtered, tortured and bombed by the notorious terrorist organization – (I.S.). How terrible is it? 
I.S. (Islamic State) sometimes known as I.S.I.L.  and Daesh whose ideology was totally against the Islamic Principles which teaching their devotees to be peaceful and living in harmonious way. This is because they wrongly understand the Islamic content by slaughtering the other religions devotees especially the Christian.  They believe other religions devotees are their ‘enemies’ whom don’t comply any rules that set by their Prophet. From this scenario, I have a question. Why I.S. wants to kill other religions devotees? Aren’t they disturbed you or being an ‘obstacles’ in your life? Frankly, it is such a ridiculous ideology, I.S. … 


Since rising power of I.S., It wants to dominate the political and military aspects over the Muslim-majorities countries.  Its leader Abu Bakar al-Baghadi claim himself as a caliph (the leader of entire Muslim community). I.S. later invaded the majority of the territory in Syria and Iraq and formed a Caliphate.

Recently, we can see that south east Asia also not being excluded from the terrorism launched by the I.S.  For an instance, on Jan 11, a 16-year old boywearing I.S. clothes, held a woman at knife point in a supermarket at SungaiPetani, Kedah, Malaysia.  However, he later had been arrested by the police authority. Did you see that it was how serious the ideology being disseminate in our country even could brainwash a teenager…

The boy was arrested by the police

Aside from that, on Jan 14, I.S. attacked sites in Jakarta,Indonesia. The seven blasts and gunfight which took place in Jakarta including a Starbucks Café, resulted in 8 deaths which comprise 4 attackers and 20 people were wounded. Thanked to the Jakarta Police and Indonesian Military authorities by countering the attack immediately so that will be lesser of causalities.

The scenario in the Jakarta on Jan 14

Not even these incidents alone, there is also some men were planning the strategies to terrorize our Country (Malaysia) capital city but failed. For example, on Jan 15, police arrested a 28-year old man from Terengganu at a LRT-station in Kuala Lumpur. Again on Jan 24, police announced the arrests of 7 more suspected I.S. operatives who were planning attacks of several popular spots in Klang Valley.

Ok, in a nutshell, I.S. ideology is such terrifying in each of everyone’s mind just like a nightmare in our dreams. In facts, now the only way is to educate the younger generation in order to avert them from convicting in I.S. terrorism. Lastly, let’s us work hand-in-hand to stop the I.S. atrocities in every corner of the world! We all love to live peacefully!

 Ok, that's all I want to talk about, hope you enjoy this article and please follow me on my Google + account, twitter (@JiaZhe1) and facebook (username: Jia Zhe Wong)... Thank you, bye!

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